~Who Am I?~

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The vortex felt horrible. It was as if Miriam's organs were being stretched in every which way until she was chucked onto the floor of a tastefully decorated apartment.

'I think I'm gonna be sick!' Miriam belched.

'Yes, that does happen the first few times you travel through portal.' Magnus held out a hand, pulling Miriam to her feet.

'Who actually are you?' Miriam asked.

'Magnus Bane, high Warlock of Brooklyn. The one who took your memories.'

'But why would you do that!' Miriam retorted.

'To protect you Miriam.' Magnus' eyes softened.

'From what?' She pleaded.

'Yourself.' Magnus took Miriams hand and led her to a sofa to sit down.

'You remember the Thomsons?' Magnus asked already knowing the answer.

'Of course! I lived with them for fourteen years. But then I ended up here.' Miriam trailed on.

'Yes biscuit.' Magnus spoke softly, afraid of what he had to say. 'The Thomsons. They were murdered. By a man named Valentine.'

Miriam burst into tears. 'But- why don't I remember.' She sniffled.

Magnus rubbed Miriam's shoulder, surpressing her tears ever so slightly.

'The Thomsons were Warlocks Miriam, very good friends with Ragnor fell, when he informed me of what happened, I couldn't bear to think of you alone having whitenessed your family die.' Magnus' voice cracked.
'Not after what happened with my mother.' He stopped.
'Anyway, I came to England, removed your memories and took you to a place I knew that Valenine would never find you.'

'Jocelyn' Miriam spoke.

'Yes, Jocelyn hid Clary from Valentine her whole life. I knew you'd be safe.' Magnus smiled. 'And you were, she took you in as one of her own, it was like you had always been there.'

'But why does some random man want to find me and Clary?' Miriam screwed her eyebrows.

'Because you're a Warlock Miriam.'

'What like with magic powers?' Miriam's eyes widened.

'Yes like with magic powers' Magnus chuckled.

'And Clary?'

'Is a shadowhunter.' Magnus answered. 'Biscuit you've got a lot to learn!'

Magnus spent the rest of the night explaining every detail of the shadow world to Miriam.

'So couldn't you have just touched my forehead or something to show me everything instead of explaining it to me?' Miriam asked.

'Well, where's the fun in that!' Magnus pulled a very exhausted Miriam up from the sofa. 'First room on the left, I kitted out your closet for you!'

'You're serious!' Miriam's lips curved into a smile.

'Of course I am! I do love a good shopping spree, and I must say your style is gorgeous!' Magnus smiled.

'Thank you so much Magnus.'

'You're welcome biscuit! Now off to bed we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow!'

'Really? What are we doing?' Miriam wondered.

'We're gonna try out your Warlock powers!' Magnus giggled in exitement.

Miriam's room was luscious. Rich red sheets with freshly decorated walls. She walked over to the large black closet in the corner. And there it was, packed to the brim with stylish clothing all in her size. 'Wow!' Miriam whispered to herself.

Miriam picked out a silky emerald nightdress and climbed into her new bed.

And for the first time ever, Miriam felt like she belonged.

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