~Hotel DumoRt~

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Raphael got to the Dumort so fast that Miriam was left disoriented. He lifted her onto her feet within the long corridor before the entrance.

Raphael had began walking when he noticed Miriam was no longer by his side. He turned his head to see her weak and unable to carry her weight. He rushed over to her, placing a soft hand on the small of her back.

'Are you okay?' He gulped, his face stricken with concern.

'I'm anemic.' Miriam breathed. 'Like really fucking badly and I haven't eaten. I was already feeling a bit dizzy but I think that whole vamp speed thing just fucked with my balance.'

'I think you should sit down.' Raphael advised.

Miriam grasped a shaking hand onto Raphael's arm before falling, her eyes rolled back.

Raphael caught Miriam before she hit the ground, gently laying her against his knee and supporting her head.

After a few seconds, Miriam re-opened her eyes to reveal a glossy overcoat hinting to Raphael that she was still completely out of it.

'Hey it's okay, you just passed out.' He comforted as her eyes slowly became clear.

Miriam studied Raphaels features. She gazed into his dark onyx eyes making a blush creep along both of their cheeks.

'I'm sorry.' Her voice was like raspy velvet.

Raphael's lips curved into a soft smile. 'You don't have to apologise Miriam. Let me take care of you.'

'I'm okay honestly.' Miriam assured, rising to her feet. Her vision becoming blurred and fuzzy once again.

'You're not okay.' Raphael scooped her up in his arms and began walking to the Dumort entrance.


Miriam could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen as she sat waiting on the plush red sofa.

Some time had passed when she began hearing footsteps approaching the living room. Raphael held out a hand for Miriam, guiding her to an extravagant dining table.

'Wow, this is pretty gucci for a bunch of vampires who don't eat.' Miriam announced making Raphael chuckle.

'I made you enchiladas.' He motioned as he pulled out a seat for Miriam.

'How did you know enchiladas are my favourite?' Miriam questioned.

'Just a lucky guess.'

Miriam smiled gratefully. 'Thank you so much.'

'You're welcome.'

Miriam had never tasted anything so good in her life. She had completely cleared her plate, reaching in for seconds to which she finished too.

'You should be a chef!' Miriam gleamed.

'Really?' Raphael smiled.

'Well I mean you've got all the time in the world. Literally!'

Miriam and Raphael shared a laugh.

'I think I'm gonna need a nap after all that!' She yawned.

'You can stay in my room.' He reassured, lifting her from the seat.


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