03 | Clifford

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03 | Clifford

Calum | POV

Sophia texted me saying she went home earlier, she said she wasn't feeling well. After class was dismissed I made my way outside the building and saw the girl that bumped into me.

She was taking her time walking towards the bench. I sat on the steps just watching her. For some reason, watching her read a book calms me. My thoughts were everywhere, and right now, all my mind was concentrating on is watching her read a book.

She smiles to herself as she reads through the pages.

I hear chatter and I look up. The boy was carrying a bucket of water and the girl, who I assume his girlfriend, is smoking. She looks down at the girl reading her book.

She whispers something to her boyfriend and laughs. The guy then nods.

The brown haired girl leans on the railings and taps on her cigarette. My eyes darted back to Snow White. I still didn't catch her name.

She looks up and watches them as they laugh. Snow White shakes her head and dusts off the ashes.

I watch the couple again. The boy lifts the pail and pours down the water at Snow White.

"Tch." I scoffed and looked away. Other people have nothing better to do than bully others.

"Mind your own business next time!" The guy says and I overhear.

"Oh my God she's such a nerd." The girl laughs, making me turn my attention back to Snow White. I frown when she was on the ground, clenching her chest.

The guy sees this and he hurriedly grabbed his girlfriend's arm and left.

I waited for Snow White to get up, but she doesn't. Her hands clenched her uniform tightly and helplessly trying to get up the floor.

"Damn it." I cursed under my breath and got up from the steps.

She squeezes the side of her uniform collar. I huffed.

I took the suit of my uniform off and draped it around her shoulders before hoisting her up.

"You're always pale when I see you." I tell her while I jog towards the university clinic. I worried a little when I couldn't hear her shaky breaths anymore and her hold around my neck loosens.

I looked down at her. Her hair was all over her face and her lips were slightly parted, it wasn't shivering anymore.

The automatic glass door opens "What happened?" the university nurse asks, moving the curtains so I could set Snow White down the bed.

My uniform was wet from her clothes .

"Someone poured a full pail of water over her. It was ice water, there were still ice cubes on the ground when I ran to her." I informed the nurse and she nodded.

After taking her vital signs, the nurse ushered me out, closing the curtains as she changes Snow White into some dry clothes.

The glass door lit green and beeps when it automatically opens.

I recognized him right away, Snow White's dad.

"Is my daughter here?" He asks, panting the slightest. I nod towards the only closed curtain. "The nurse is changing her into dry clothes."

He heaves a sigh and takes a seat. I sat one seat apart from him. "Were you the one who brought her in here?" He asks and I nod. "What exactly happened?" He asks, his eyes fixed on mine.

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