05 | Jump or Jersey

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05 | Jump or Jersey

Mia | POV

I looked at the worms wriggling on my palms. "Aw, poor you." I frowned at them. "But I have to catch me some fishes." I whispered, taking one and piercing a hook through it's body. 

"Oh my god." Ashton laughs. "How brutal." He says.  The big brother came to visit me this weekend, he took a private jet without father's knowledge. We're not supposed to be seeing each other in public because it would be either rumored as a relationship, or they'd find out about the president's daughter, me.

"If I want to get more fishes than you, my bait should be better than yours." I shrugged. Angus joins us, tossing us a can of soda each. "You kids are always bringing trouble. Your father will grill me if he founds out the both of you are in one place." Angus sighs, but a good sigh. 

We sat there, waiting for a curious fish to bite our hooks. "How's Deakin?" Ashton asks and I smile. "I love it there! The people are really nice, the campus is beautiful, and the drama—" Oops. Ashton and Angus turns their attention to me. "I meant the students from the drama club are really good." I let out a nervous laugh. 

Angus and Ash shares a suspicious look. "You're enrolled for Psychology, am I right?" Ashton asks me and I nod too quickly. "Mhmm." I tried to sound casual, popping open the Cherry Cola. "That's a surprise." He laughs and continues, "I thought for a second you'd enroll in something else." He says. I laughed, "No." 

I took a sip of the cherry cola. "Any cute boys?" Ashton asks out of the blue and I almost choked on the soda. I coughed and coughed. Ashton smirks. "Ah, I take that as a yes." He wiggles his eyebrows and wraps his free arm around my shoulder, the top of my head slightly hitting his chin. "So, who are you crushing on?" He teases. 

"Look at her! She's red!" Angus jumps in, pointing at my face. "ooooh, is my sister finally turning into a lady?" Ashton teases again. "My fake daughter is growing up." Angus wipes away his fake tears. I rolled my eyes and pushed away gently  from Ash. "What are you talking about? No one's cute enough in school." I pout. 

They both burst into hysterics, Angus wipes a real tear this time. You see, the thing about Angus is if he laughs too hard, tears come out, literally tears of joy. Ash continued laughing as Angus stopped to catch his breath. "How about that Calum guy?" he asks and Ashton stopped laughing. "What Calum guy?" he asks me too. I raised my brows. "What about that guy?" I asked.

"Well, you were together during your first day at Deakin, he was also the guy who carried you to the clinic." Gus says and Ashton looks from me, to Gus, then to me again. "Calum who and clinic what? Someone better start telling me shit." He says. "He's just some guy in my class, dear brother." I tell him, I felt a tug on my string. "Ah! I think I caught something!" I say, reeling it in. 

"Why did he have to carry you to the clinic?" He asks, concerned. I shrugged. "Some strangers thought it was fun to pour some ice cold water on me."I plainly say, not wanting to remember  the numbing pain in my chest as I lie there helplessly.

Ashton's jaw tightens and I notice. I nudge him and took a quick glance "It's okay, i'm okay." I comfort him before fully reeling in the fish. "Aw, it's a small one." I frown. I hear Ashton sigh and turn to Angus. "Were you able to put the distress button?" he asks and Angus smile and nods. 

Distress button. It's a very thin, barely noticeable button planted underneath my uniform collar. Once I put pressure in it, Angus will be alerted and my location will be shown. I squeezed it while I was lying on the ground that day, that's how Angus found out I was in the clinic and where the clinic was. 

Ashton gives Angus a pat on the shoulder, "Thanks, man. You're taking good care of my sister." He says and they shared a handshake they made when Ashton and I were little. "Don't sweat it, mate. I love you both like my own." He smiles. I put a hand over my chest, "Awe, Angie." I smile and Angus glares at me. "First with the Gus, now you're calling me Angie? Stop with the names, young lady." He fake scolds and I bowed my head a little, "Yes, father." And we all burst into hysterics.

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