15 | Code Red Literally

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15 | Code Red, Literally

Calum | POV

I ran as fast as I could, pushing open the door. I was trying to catch my breath as I ran past the aisles and stopped at the wall of things I can't comprehend.

I stare in confusion. As I stand there, I hear a fit of giggles from girls around the store. They were whispering to each other, some even turned pink. Let me correct my first statement, I stand here in confusion, AND embarrassment.

"Holy shit." I cursed under my breath as I stare at the wall of tampons and sanitary pads in front of me.

"Look how confused he is!" I hear a woman giggle with her friend I sent them both a glare and they quickly walked away. I grunt again, cursing under my breath, "Mia fucking Roux."

Which one is it? My chest heaving up and down, still trying to catch up on the little marathon I had. That one? I thought as I look at the one in front of me. Or that one? I ask myself again.

"Ah fuck it." I finally said as I tossed as much as there is this store has to offer. I can't deal with these giggling and gushing ladies, i'm out!


"Has anyone seen Mia?!" Miss Mendez was almost out of patience. All of them shook their heads. Today was a Saturday but Sophia had rehearsals. I wanted to tag along to make up for yesterday. "Luke! Where the hell did your Snow White go?!" Miss Mendez glares at Luke and he shakes his head saying he doesn't know. "God, I give a 30-minute break and this happens!" She frustratingly sighs.

I can't help but feel a little worried and guilty after our fight last night. What if she bailed rehearsals because she saw me? Harry went out earlier to look for her, probably trying to contact her over and over again. I felt my stomach drop remembering Mia's words, that she didn't want to talk to me again.

I pushed her away, literally, and hurt her. "What's with the angry face?" I noticed that my brows were furrowed as soon as Sophie nudges me from my thoughts. "Nothing, just becoming impatient. Can't you just rehearse without Mia?" I asked her and she scoots closer to me and shakes her head. "No, she is Snow White, Cal." She laughs.

"Being Snow White is a boring thing, it's good that you were casted as the witch, it's a more interesting role." I joked and pinched her nose. She laughs. "Of course you'd say that, you're a mafia don's son, you love trouble and live for trouble." She says and I frown. "Cal, I was just teasing." She sits straight and looks at me. She presses her palm on my cheek. "A little trouble is nice." She says, landing her lips on mine. She breaks off the kiss, "I have to go before Miss Mendez grills me again." She laughs and jogs back to the stage and I smile.

Two heartbeats later my phone rings, I checked the caller ID and answered immediately, thinking that she had forgiven me for last night. "Mia?" I ask. My body runs cold when I hear her voice. "Camille.." she says weakly. "Mia it's Cal—"

"Camille please, the ladies' room. Cam..it's painful. I c-can't take it." I can hear through her voice that she can barely speak through the phone and I get up immediately. "Wait for me, Mia." I said, already walking out the theatre. I slowed in my tracks when I realized I didn't know which ladies' room she was in. I curse under my breath, genius. I dial Mia's phone but she doesn't answer.

It took me four ladies' room before I finally found her. She was sat on the floor leaning on the side wall of the stall. Her bangs matted with cold sweat and her lips almost colorless. I got down on my knees and tapped my palms on her cheeks gently. "Mia, Mia." She pries her eyes open.

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