MAFIA | Epilogue

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dedicated to you.

yes you, you idiot.

i love you.


MAFIA | Epilogue

I walked to the dining room and grabbed a chair. I had a firm grip on it as I lifted it slightly off the floor and took it to the kitchen.

I placed it in front of the cupboards. I set my right foot up so I could stand on the chair, but before I could, a voice from upstairs stops me.

"Hey, hey, hey, be careful."

I softly laughed as I turned to Calum, who's jogging down the stairs carrying fresh towels. He puts down the towels on the kitchen table and jogs to me.

"What do you think you're doing, babe?" He hugs me from the back, feeling his lips touch my ear as he talks.

"You might fall down." He says and I hug his arms around my waist.

"You're acting like you're the pregnant one. My tummy isn't even huge yet!" I laughed, biting my lip to stop myself from smiling wider.

He turns me around as he leans on the kitchen counter.

He touches the small bump. "Excuse me, we're pregnant, not just you." He holds both my hands in his.

"Yeah right, you're pregnant from that mac n' cheese Mali brought over last night." I teased.

"I'm the real pregnant one here." I pat my tummy.

He smirks, "Hey, I donated." He winks and I blushed, taking a few steps closer to him.

I put my arms around his neck. "I want our first baby to be a boy, so if we had a younger daughter he'd have an older brother like how I did." I beamed.

Calum tilts his head, his hands holding my hips.

"I want our first baby to be a girl. Like how I had Mali when I was younger." He grins.

I squinted my eyes at him. "I guess we'll have to see, Calum Hood. I guess we'll have to see."

He lets out a raspy laugh and gives me a peck on the lips.

"PFFT—GAG!" Michael walks in all drenched. .

"Oi, you're leaving puddles of water around the house! Mia might slip." Calum curses. I laughed, gently moving away.

"It's not my fault! You said you'd bring towels out but it took you so long." Michael rolls his eyes, walking towards us.

Calum takes the towels.

"I needed one already and decided to get one myself. Instead I found out why it took you forever." Michael says and Calum threw a towel straight on Michael's face.

"Shut up." He says and I shake my head at the two of them.

"And geez, could the both of you slow down with to lovey-dovey moochie shit? Makes me gag." He fake chokes himself.

"Instead of making babies, you guys should go outside, everyone's looking for the both of you." Michael says before heading out to the pool again.

Calum turns to me and extends his hand for me to take. He does a little bow.

"Shall we, my lady?" He looks up and smiles.

I dramatically put one hand over my chest. "Take me away, my prince." I said in a velvety voice as I took his hand.

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