Chapter 01 - Showcase

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Jopping by SuperM

(Chan)"We're going up there in 60 seconds. I hope this will be our last showcase." He said making some of the boys' cough while the others sighed in nervousness. (Chan)"Let's just have fun up there." He added while they put their hands on top of each other.

"FIGHTING!!!" They shouted and got ready for their performance.

There were a lot of mistakes during their rehearsal.

(Changbin)"We dropped the microphone..."

Their mental state is unstable.

(Chan)"I don't want to fail with the members... So I hope we can debut all together."

Will they be able to debut as one?


The showcase came to an end and now, only the trainees, the staff, and JYP were the only people left in the venue. All the trainees were on the stage with JYP. The boys were more nervous when JYP went in front of them.

(Chan)"I'm more nervous than the showcase." He said to Changbin who was beside him anxiously looking around.

(Yeji)"I"m so nervous." She said to Sooji who was beside her who nodded while playing with her hands.

(Jisung)"He's here." He said making the boys even nervous. They all looked over to their CEO who was making his way to the stage.

Then, JYP started to come up the stairs making all bow to him.

(JYP)"Hello, you all worked very hard." He smiled at the trainees and walked in front of them. (Trainees)"Thank you." They said while bowing again.

(JYP)"There a lot of people today, did you have a hard time?" He asked making most of the trainees smile a little even though they were nervous.

(Girl Trainees)"No, it was fun, sir." They said with big smiles plastered on their faces. (JYP)"Who did the most showcase?" He asked making the trainees look at Chan who was at the very side.

The boys pointed at Chan with their arms while Chan just shyly smiled and raised his left hand. (JYP)"How many times did you do this?"

Chan answered with a small smile. (Chan)"It's the 8th time today."

JYP nodded and turned his gaze to the trainees again. (JYP)"I feel a bit confused when you all do the showcase. I feel very proud, but there are times where I want to talk about the flaws."

The trainees' smiles vanished and just sadly nodded. Happiness was again replaced by nervousness and also anxiousness.

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