Chapter 9 - EP.4 Elimination

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Come Back Home by 2ne1

Sooji and Minho looked at each other with sad smiles and took a step forward. All the boys except the 2 looked down, attempting to not cry in front of the cameras. They were all blinking nonstop to prevent their tears from falling.

(JYP)"I could evidently see that Minho did his best to prepare for this performance. Nevertheless, your training period was shorter than the other members. So, you weren't lacking. I just think that you're training period was short. So don't be too disappointed."

Minho just nodded. (Minho)"Yes."

(JYP)"For Sooji... I can't say that what you showed today is great. There were a lot of small mistakes you probably didn't notice. When you performed School Life, your voice didn't fit the entire concept of the song. Your voice is deep and low, even lower than Jeongin's and Jisung's. But you did a good job today, just not enough."

Sooji sadly smiled at him. (Sooji)"Yes." Sooji sighed to herself and looked down. (JYP)"You all worked very hard for this mission. I hope you'll all warmly cheer and comfort Minho and Sooji. You worked hard." he said before turning the microphone off.

He/JYP stood up and went up the stage and to Sooji and Minho who were standing beside each other. The two bowed at him. (JYP)"You two suffered a lot."

He first went to Minho who had a small smile on his lips. (JYP)"It's not that you couldn't do it, it's just that your training period's short." Minho nodded and gave him a genuine smile. Then, JYP went to Sooji who was on the verge of crying.

(JYP)"You did great, it's just not your time to debut right now." He said and patted the top of her head. Sooji nodded while siping her eyes with her hand.

The two's heads hung low as JYP walked down the stairs. The boys weren't looking at each other, rather down on the floor too. Not until Jisung went to Minho and placed his arm on his shoulder.

They all hugged the two eliminated members, some were now crying, some were trying not to. Seungmin was the first one to hug Minho, while Chan hugged Sooji first. They all knew that the two worked hard to get this far, but it wasn't enough for them to debut.

Everyone individually hugged Sooji and Minho while saving their thank you's and sorry's to each other. The only person who hasn't come to Sooji was Hyunjin.

He couldn't accept that Sooji was leaving their group when they just got closer than ever. Sooji was taking glances at Hyunjin who his hands buried on his face while crying. Sooji slowly walked to Hyunjin who was silently crying.

(Sooji)"Oppa..." She called out making Hyunjin cry harder. He removed his hands from his face and went to Sooji, hugging her tightly like he doesn't want to let her go. She hugged him back while rubbing his hand on his back trying to calm him down.

(Hyunjin)"W-who's gonna... Fight w-with me now? D-don't leave our group... P-please..." That was when Sooji's tears spilled out. Hyunjin buried his face onto Sooji's neck while trying to calm himself down. His hands were trembling, and so is Sooji too. They had an incredible bond in the show, so of course, they were going to break down when they aren't together.

9 - Stray Kids 9th Member Fanfiction/Imagine !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now