Chapter 2 - Showcase pt.2

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Start Over by Gaho

(JYP)"I watched from the beginning and I'll talk about the people who I was pleased to watch and hear." He started. Some of them gulped and the others attentively listened. (JYP)"Of course, it was Chan. You're great at dancing, singing, and rapping." He complimented making the others nod their heads in agreement.

(JYP)"But there was one thing that was lacking." Chan's small smile disappeared as he answered. (Chan)"Yes?"

(JYP)"You need to be more charismatic. You have to be more selfish with your part." Chan just nodded while having a slightly disappointed face.

(JYP)"Now, the person that I was impressed with from the guy group was actually Changbin." He said making the boys smile at Changbin while they clapped their hands. Changbin kept his composure and listened to JYP.

After his comments about the boys, it was now the girl's team. (JYP)"From the girl's team, 2 people stood out. It was Yeji." Yeji thanked him and bowed. 

(JYP)"But, the girl who stood out the most was... Sooji." All of the trainees clapped for her while she had a slightly shocked face and bowed. Chan and Jisung gave the girl a thumbs up while she just mouthed a 'thanks' to the two.

(JYP)"You dance very powerfully and you don't get tired nor slow." The boys nodded their heads in agreement. (JYP)"You put your own style to it too." He again complimented making Sooji thank him.

With JYP announcing the Male Project Team will be the ones who get to debut, all the trainees were now proceeding to pack up their things in the dressing room, ready to get to their dorms after a long day of performances.

The boys went inside their own dressing room while Sooji went with the girls. All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door of the girl's dressing room. (Yuna)"I'll get it." She said and quickly went to the door. She opened the door and saw JYP.

(Yuna)"Oh, annyeonghaseyo." She greeted him with a small bow. (JYP)"Hi Yuna-ssi, may I ask for Sooji?" He asked making the girl quickly nod and went to Sooji who was putting her necklace and earrings on the table.

(Yuna)"Sooji-ah, Pd-nim's calling for you." Sooji turned around to see Yuna with a small smile. (Sooji)"Really? Why?" She asked but Yuna just shrugged her shoulders. (Yuna)"I don't know. He didn't say anything."

(Sooji)"Ah... Okay, thanks." She said and rushed to the door.

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