Touched (pt.2 of Birthday Project for Sooji)

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Secret Story Of The Swan - IZ*ONE

Sooji went close to the cake and blew the candles. The boys cheered and clapped while Chan set the cake down on the table. "Omo, is it my birthday today?" She suddenly blurted out making some of the boys gasp in surprise. "Did you just forget your own birthday? Oh my God-" Jeongin said with an expression 'what the f*ck did you just say?'.

Sooji nervously giggled and nodded with a shy expression. "Ahhh, that's why there were cameras in our room." She said making some of the staff who were filming them laugh at her.

"So, before you guys open the gifts and eat the ones you baked. We want to show Sooji a video made by the people who love you very much." The director said. "Really? What is it?" She excitedly clapped her hands at the mention of a video for her.

"We'll play it for you," The director said while the boys just smiled widely at the girl who was getting hyped up. Sooji went beside Hyunjin and Chan on the couch and waited for the video to play.

(author-nim: The words that are in italics will be the ones that are in the video.)

Once the video started playing, a piece of instrumental music started to play.  There showed small video clips of fans who were waiting in a line outside venues, music shows, and events. Sooji's big smile started to fade when she heard the faint fan chants of theirs. Then, unfamiliar people started to show. 

"Hi, Sooji! Happy Birthday to our favorite maknae! I hope you're always healthy and happy no matter what happens. Just always know that we, STAYs, will always be there to help and support you through thick and thin."

"Happy Birthday! Congratulations on being 15 years old Sooji-ah! Just know that nobody is perfect so you don't have to push yourself too hard and please don't underestimate yourself as well." The second STAY said making Sooji turn more sentimental.

After a few more STAYs, then showed her parents and brother.

"Hi, our baby. I just want to say happy birthday to the most perfect daughter for me. Even though I always yelled and scolded you back then when you were younger, you know that I don't stay mad at you for a long time. Thank you for being strong throughout all my nagging and I love you, my daughter." Her mother and father said.

That was what pushed the button. The tears kept on spilling all over her cheeks but she didn't bother to wipe them since it wouldn't stop.

"Happy birthday to best younger sister in the world. I love you so much and please don't forget that. Back then, I hated the fact that I'll have a sister but when I finally saw you, my hatred went away. I was always happy because of you so thank you, Soo. I love you." His brother playfully blew a flying kiss to the camera, of course, intended for Sooji.

Sooji was sniffing every 4 seconds because she could hardly breathe due to crying. Hyunjin's arm snaked around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. Her head slowly made its way towards his arm and laid her head on it while still silently crying. He pushed the hair that was on her face away and comforted her by rubbing his hand on her hand.

After her family, it was now the boy's turn to talk and give her a birthday message. The other boys wholeheartedly smiled seeing Sooji crying. The order was by age~

"Sae-ngil chukha hamnida~ Happy Birthday Sooji-ah. I know you're probably crying right now. *laughs for a second*... I just want to say thank you for always being there for me ever since I became a trainee. I know I had yelled at you a million times but you know I don't mean all of it.

I remember 2 years ago, when I told you, you wouldn't understand what I was going through because I was ashamed that I had been a trainee for almost 6 years, you still comforted me. *sad smile* You told me that it's nothing to be ashamed of and just keep your head high and ignore them because they're just jealous that I'm better than any of them.

Just know that I will be always there for you whenever you need me. I'll always care, love, and protect you from anything or anyone. You're the perfect person for this team and our team won't be the same without you. I love you our maknae!" He said while waving his hands after.

Next was Minho...

"Happy, happy birthday Soo! You are really one of a kind, so I don't really know how I would be here without you. I know you know that we shared a lot of memories and I hope you don't forget them. If you do, we'll make even more fun and memorable memories together. 

I remember a year ago when we got eliminated in the fourth episode... You were a crying mess and it hurt my heart to see you in that kind of state. You're the kind of angel that I want to love and protect forever. 

I don't mind that you would always fight or tease me, what matters the most to me is our relationship. You're the best little sister that I never had, as you know I don't have siblings. *laughs* Okay okay, this is taking too long. Happy birthday again to my favorite dongsaeng and I love you always" He finished with a finger heart.

The 3rd member was Changbin...

"Hey, it's your pigunny here! Happy birthday to my favorite member of the group! I know this is kinda awkward but here it goes. Exactly 3 years, 4 months, and 9 days was the first time we met in rap class. I remember after our first class together, you came up to me with that precious smile of yours and asked to be friends. Of course, I couldn't say no to you back then because I already admired you from day one.

It was the first time that I had a friend who's a female since back at school, I couldn't communicate with girls but when you approached me, I felt like you were very welcoming at kind so I considered being friends with you.

Thank you for supporting me in everything that I do and I promise that I'll treat you even better after this. Thank you for helping me with my dance skills and being patient with me in vocal class. I love you and always take care, our baby panda!" He winked after making them laugh.

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