Chapter 7 - Chan's kitchen pt.2

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Blueming by IU

(Chan)"The kids like beef, right?" He asked holding the bowl that has beef in it. (Sooji)"Of course, they like beef." She answered making Chan put the beef on the cooking pan while the noodles were cooking/boiling in the other pot.

After a while of cooking the meat~

(Chan)"I think it's now fine." Then, he added the other ingredients such as the onions, carrots, and other vegetables that are needed.

(Sooji)"Wahhh! Sauce Party!" She happily chanted while Chan was mixing the ingredients before adding the tomato sauce. The food ended in 2 pots since there was too much food, of course, because there were 9 of them. Once they were done preparing and cooking the food, they brought it to the living room where they'll all eat.

The 6 boys were already in the living room just waiting for the food to be served in front of them. The 3 Aussies went inside with the big plates while the 6 boys just clapped because they were hungry. (Hyunjin)"You guys worked hard!"

They placed the food on the table while the boys just gasped. (Jisung)"It looks delicious." His mouth was already watering just by looking at the food. (Minho)"Did you really cook it?"

(Chan)"Yeah, we did." He said while they all sat down. They all started to dig in and get the spaghetti one by one and ate. (Chan)"Is it good? I don't know anything, you guys judge it yourself."

(Changbin)"It's so delicious though," He said after taking his first bite.

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