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SLUMP (English Version) - Stray Kids

June 27, 2018 -  9:30 pm

(SKZ)"Thank you." They greeted while their choreographer just smiled at them and went out of the practice room. Once their dance choreographer was out of the room, they all collapsed to the floor from tiredness. Sooji quickly crawled her way to get all the boy's water bottles. She carried all 9 bottles and rushed to the boys to give them their drinks.

She went to Chan first who was tiredly laying down on the floor panting hardly. She placed his bottle on his hand that was just on the floor. Chan smiled and mumbled a 'thanks' to the girl before quickly sitting up. 

Sooji gave the boys their water bottles before sitting down to drink hers. Once she drank her water, she felt relieved as if something heavy was taken away from her body. Her body slouched back and leaned on the wall for support. She was really tired even though she did this a lot of times.

Hyunjin noticed her tired expression and went to her. He sat beside her, also leaning his back on the wall before talking. (Hyunjin)"You seem tired." He said while opening his water bottle again.

(Sooji)"Cuz I am tired, Oppa." She replied, now laying down on Hyunjin's lap while heavily sighing. (Hyunjin)"Are you sick again?" He asked making Sooji say 'no'. (Sooji)"No, I'm not. I'm just really tired, besides we have another album in two months." She said looking at Hyunjin who was also looking at her.

(Hyunjin)"Oh, well are you coming home with us or no?" Sooji furrowed her eyebrows which Hyunjin found cute and he unconsciously smiled at her. (Sooji)"I don't think I will today, I have a lot to do." She said with a sad frown.

(Hyunjin)"Yah, you're working too hard. Let 3Racha finish your work." Sooji shook her head and sat up again. (Sooji)"Nah, it's fine. I'll go to my studio. Just tell the boys I said goodnight later." She said and grabbed her backpack before going out to her studio.

11:30 pm

(Hyunjin)"Ugh, is she even coming home?" He mumbled before getting up from his bed and made his way to Chan's room where he shares with Minho and Changbin. He slowly twisted the doorknob and went inside. The three were just on their bed, not asleep.

(Chan)"Oh, Hyunjin? Why?" He asked sitting up. Hyunjin scratched the back of his neck and nervously talked. (Hyunjin)"Hyung, Sooji's still not home. She promised she'll be here at 11 and it's 11:30." 

(Changbin)"Wait, so where is she?" The other two were also listening to their conversation. (Hyunjin)"Uh... She said she still had to do something in her studio but I didn't know she would take so long to finish a song, Hyung." 

(Minho)"You should go get her in the company, I'll drive you." He said while standing up. Hyunjin nodded as they went outside.

11:45 pm

The two arrived and they quickly went to the floor where Sooji's studio was. They quickly ran to her studio to find her very focused on what she was doing on her computer. She didn't notice the boys' presence since she was wearing headphones. She was typing here and there on the keyboard nonstop making a lot of clicking sounds which annoyed the two.

Hyunjin went to Sooji and took her headphones off making her groan in annoyance and turn around. (Sooji)"Oh, wait. What are you guys doing here?" She asked with a hint of confusion. (Minho)"Do you not notice the time?" He asked back.

(Sooji)"What? What do you m-- Oh..." She stopped talking when she saw 11:52 pm displayed on the clock. (Sooji)"Sorry, I had a lot to do." She apologized getting her headphones back from Hyunjin. She was about to put the headphones back on her head when Hyunjin spoke.

(Hyunjin)"Didn't you get it?" He asked making Sooji stop what she was doing and looked at him. (Sooji)"Pardon?"

The two boys sighed and shook their heads. (Hyunjin)"What we meant was let's go home, you can finish that later. Please," He worriedly said.

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