Chapter 12 - Called (in EP.9)

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Make A Wish (English Version) by NCT U

Sooji, Minho, and Feli were together eating lunch in their dorm. Sooji and Minho moved out of their group's dorm and went to another one while Felix just got there a week ago. The three were eliminated so they don't have anything to do with the group. Felix was about to stand up and get more soup in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.

He stopped in the middle of standing up, Sooji stopped drinking her water, and Minho stopped eating his noodles. Sooji put her glass down and started to talk.

(Sooji)"Who's getting it?" She looked back and forth at the two boys. (Minho)"You get it." He said while lifting his head and getting a tissue before wiping his mouth.  (Sooji)"Wait wha--Why me?" She perked her right eyebrow at Minho who glared at her.

(Sooji)"Tsk. Fine." She groaned and stood up, then ran to the door with Felix also coming with her. By then, Minho also went there too. Sooji sighed and opened the door revealing one of the older trainees, Kang Junghoon, at JYP Entertainment.

The three greeted him while Junghoon just smiled and said hi. (Sooji)"Oppa, why are you here? I thought you guys have practice?" She asked while opening the door a bit more. (Junghoon)"JYP Pd-nim wanted you guys in his office ASAP. He said take your time to dress up though." He said while his smile was getting bigger every second.

(Felix)"Why?" The three were getting confused, because why would JYP call for them. Junghoon shrugged his shoulders because he wanted to surprise them too. (Junghhon)"I don't know guys. You should get ready." He said and waved goodbye before going away.

The three looked at each other before Minho closed the door. They went to their own rooms and got ready.

Her Look:

The three quickly went to JYP Entertainment because they knew that JYP is waiting for them

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The three quickly went to JYP Entertainment because they knew that JYP is waiting for them. They didn't have to ride a bus or a taxi because the company building is very near their dorms.

They went inside the building and rushed to JYP's office. But then, when they were about to go inside the office, they noticed that cameras were filming them. Felix was the one who opened the glass door, followed by Sooji and Minho. They saw JYP sitting down on the seat at the very back.

(MH, SJ, FL)"Hello." They bowed before fully going inside the room. JYP sent them a small smile. (JYP)"Hi. Come in, sit down." He said.

The three nodded and took a seat. (JYP)"After elimination, I heard that you keep on practicing hard every day." The three smiled and slightly nodded. (JYP)"It must've been really hard after you got eliminated, right?" They nodded again. (Felix)"Yes..."

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