Birthday Project for Sooji

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Mixtape#2 - Stray Kids

(Boys)"Hello everyone!!!" They said and energetically waved to the camera while doing some background sounds and cheers. (Chan"So, why exactly are we filming right now?" He fakely asked while placing the back of his hand on top of his chin trying to look as if he was thinking hard. Hyunjin and Felix laughed at Chan's uncomfortable position.

(Jisung)"Yes, well we are here to show you guys our plans for Sooji's birthday that is in 6 days!" All of the boys clapped again with energetic energies. (Hyunjin)"Wahhh, then, should we start discussing?" The boys yelled a 'yes' so they started.

(Chan)"So actually, since a lot of you already know that she's very precious to us, we decided to give her a gift which is kind of like a really long but also a short video message." He started making the others nod.


Basically, they were vlogging the whole process of how they're going to make the video until Sooji sees it on her birthday.


October 03, 2018 - 7:30 am

There were cameras all over the house, in the living room, kitchen, dining room, bedrooms, and at the entrance of the dorm. The boys were awake since 5 am to bake cookies and brownies for the birthday girl who usually wakes up between 7:30-8:00 in the morning which is very early compared to the boys who wake up at 10 in the morning *ahem*

As they put the baked goods on the plates, they carried the 3 plates to the living room where all of their gifts were. Now, all they have to do is wait for the birthday girl to wake up.

meanwhile in sooji's and hyunjin's room...

Sooji's eyes immediately opened once she felt like she wasn't dreaming anymore. She didn't notice that it was her birthday and did what she does usually every morning. She sat up and looked around the room to not find Hyunjin sleeping on his bed. Her face scrunched up in confusion and looked around again.

(Sooji)"Where's Jinnie Oppa?" She pouted a little and stood up from her bed and slipped on her slippers. She noticed that the room was very clean which wasn't always the case for their room. Hyunjin was really messy while Sooji wasn't, so most of the time the room is messy because of Hyunjin's things.

With a confused face, she went to the towel rack and got her towel before walking inside the bathroom to change her clothes and wash up.

her clothes:

Once she was done, she put the towel back on the rack and went to her study table, and got her phone

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Once she was done, she put the towel back on the rack and went to her study table, and got her phone. But then, she noticed something at the end of the ceiling of their room. "Oh? A camera?" She said while looking at the camera. 

She just shrugged her shoulders and walked out of the room expecting to see the boys eating or goofing around the living room. But she was surprised when a very familiar song starts to play. "Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday our Maknae~ Happy Birthday to you!" The boys sang while Chan had the cake in his hands, the candles were all lit and the boys were clapping telling her to blow it.

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