Chapter 4 - New Member

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Nonstop by OH MY GIRL

(Disclaimer! The scenes that I'm writing are still broadcasted and are still on the camera.)

After a while of talking and chatting, the door suddenly opened revealing JYP with a small smile plastered on his face. The 8 boys and Sooji bowed and said hi.

(JYP)"Hello boys, and Sooji. I actually have something to ask you 9." He said while sitting down on one of the stools. They nodded and listened to JYP who was gathering his thoughts.

(JYP)"As per what I said just a moment ago, the Male Project team is having a chance to debut together. But, as I can see from you, Sooji looks like she would be a great asset to the group." He said while looking at Sooji who had a confused face, same as the boys.

They looked at each other but looked at JYP once again. (Sooji)"W-wait, what?" She blurted out. (JYP)"What I'm saying is, I want to add Sooji to the group."

And when he/JYP thought that the boys wouldn't like it, they all let out big smiles which meant that they liked the idea of adding Sooji, who was their best friend, to the group. The only one who wasn't smiling was Sooji.

(Sooji)"Pardon me, sir? I thought they're a boy group? Why would you add a girl to a boy group?" She asked.

(JYP)"Sooji-ssi, I can see that you and the boys have a special bond together so I really want to see you 9 performing together." Finally, Sooji just nodded and agreed making the boys break out their happy faces as they individually hugged the girl. (Boys and Sooji)"Thank you, sir." 

9 - Stray Kids 9th Member Fanfiction/Imagine !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now