Love You, Not (pt.3 of Confession)

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I.N.'s Cover of If It Is You

Eventually, they still rode that ride even though Sooji barely went over it. She still acted like nothing was wrong. After the ride, they all went to their meet-up place, the place which was near the elevator. The 6 walked to where they needed to be. Hyunjin had his right arm around Sooji's shoulder while Sooji was clinging to Jeongin's left arm. ( a/n: how to be you? )

The other three who didn't ride were just sitting at the bench waiting while talking about stuff. Seungmin was the first one who noticed his friends walking to them. "Oh, they're here," Seungmin said, loud enough for his 2 friends to hear. Felix's and Jisung's faces lit up and they happily waved at the 6 who were walking.

"Hi Hyung! How did the ri-Oh? Why is she sad?" Felix pointed out to the girl who Jeongin and Hyunjin were so close to. "Oh, it's nothing. Should we um, go to the other rides?" Sooji said trying to not make her voice crack. Felix weirdly stared at her and looked at her up and down making her feel uncomfortable.

Chan noticed and stopped Felix. "Felix, please don't look at her like that." He warned. Felix gave him a 'wdym' look but just shrugged his shoulders. Then, they started to go to different groups and went to different rides. The whole time, Sooji was clinging onto Hyunjin like a leech but Hyunjin didn't mind.

7:00 pm

They finished all the rides and they were now eating dinner at another restaurant in Lotte World called "Aqua Plaza".  They were just eating for 20 minutes and Sooji was already done eating. Note that she wasn't hungry and only had a small portion of food because Felix was begging her to give him some. She wiped her mouth with a tissue and stood up making the boys look at her.

"I'm going to go to the skating rink, if you wanna join, you can I guess..." Sooji calmly said and walked out. The boys looked at each other and shrugged at the same time. Meanwhile, with Sooji, she went to the elevator and pressed the button going to the ground floor where the skating rink was located.

She paid for the entrance fee and the rental of the boots before sitting down on one of the waiting benches to put her skating boots/shoes on. Once she securely tied the laces, she easily stood up and walked to the rink. There weren't a lot of people which she noticed so she decided to skate even though on a normal day, there are about thousands of people who come down to skate. But since it's night time and most particularly dinner time, the people are probably eating somewhere so she thought it would be the best time to have a solo relax time.

At the very young age of 3, she started to skate. She wasn't the best but she was good at it compared to others. She would take classes until she was 11 but she stopped since she wanted to take her trainee life seriously. She was bound to be a professional skater but she stopped so she wasn't really good at it now.

Once her feet were steadily placed on the cold and hard ice in the rink, she looked at the kids and teenagers who were freely skating. She remembered the days she would go with her brother after school to skate or when she's with her friends too.

Sooji sighed and started to skate while just feeling the cold air hit her. Her arms were flowing where she would want to and just freely skated round and round. Out of nowhere, she started to do ice skating tricks like the triple axel and a double loop jump. ( a/n: those are both jump tricks in ice skating. )

The kids who were skating cheered for her, unknowingly Sooji smiled at them and bowed a little out of embarrassment. 'Wtf did I just do? They saw it right?' She thought while slowly skating again towards the other side of the rink.

After 5 minutes of just blankly skating round and round, she saw a particular familiar person entering the rink 'Hyunjin?' She asked herself when she saw him skating towards another side. She just shrugged her thought away and skated towards Hyunjin. "Yah Oppa!" She called out making the boy abruptly stop skating and turned his attention towards the girl. "Oh hey, I saw you do a jump turn or whatever that thing was. It looked cool." He complimented.

Sooji got flustered and tried to cover her blushing face by rolling her eyes which Hyunjin thought was cute but whatever. "So, why are you here?" Sooji said, cutting the 10-second silence. Hyunjin was now the one who got madly red. "U-uh... I wanted to talk to you but... I don't know." He sighed at the end.

Sooji was confused. "Um, what do you wanna talk about?" She said before skating away again. Hyunjin sighed once again and followed her from behind, only looking at her. After a whole round, the girl stopped, and the two ended at the very entrance. "Should we go out first? Or nah?" She started. Hyunjin just nodded so they went out and placed their skates beside their bags in the waiting area before walking to God knows where.

Once they looked around, they found themselves at a place where they hadn't seen before. "Wait, where the hell are we?" Hyunjin said while confusedly looking at the girl who had the same expression on her face. "I don't know... Where even is this?" She said, actually asking herself but she said it out loud. "Um, so what are we gonna do?" Sooji said while gulping her saliva out of nervousness.

Hyunjin remained silent because he was spacing out. Just by looking at Sooji, he would be in another dimension. "Um, I'll just call Chan Oppa..." She said while her hands went inside the pockets of her shorts. "No!" Hyunjin suddenly blurted out making him curse himself.

Sooji was taken aback and stopped moving for a second. "Pardon?" She asked Hyunjin who looked as lost as her. "U-um, I mean... We can just talk about it here I guess...?" He said with an asking tone at the last sentence. Sooji facepalmed on the inside and turned to the flustered boy who avoided her stare.

"Sure Oppa, what is it about?" She said, a smile forming on her lips trying to keep her lively self despite her nervousness. "O-oh, it's just... I don't know how to really say this but..." He stopped at the middle and shook his head while sighing. Sooji noticed that he was just as nervous as her so she just patiently waited and smiled meaning that it's okay. "I like you, okay?" He quietly said but was loud enough for the younger to hear.

Sooji's eyes turned into saucers while her jaw dropped. She was definitely surprised by his sudden confession meanwhile Hyunjin was silently cursing himself and couldn't look at the flustered girl. "Y-you what? I..." Sooji was lost for words.

Hyunjin bit his lower lip in embarrassment but looked at the girl who just couldn't believe what she heard. "I said I really like you, maybe not like... I think I love you..." Hyunjin's voice got lower at the last sentence. Not knowing how Sooji's gonna react, he just put his head down, ashamed.

But Sooji on the other hand was bursting rainbows and hearts all over. Only Hyunjin was the one that could magically make her fall in love. She tried so hard not to freak out and stayed cool for the meantime. "You like me? Well um, oka--" She said trying to get to her point but Hyunjin cut her off.

"I'm sorry for telling you that, you're probably ashamed and disgusted right now. It's okay if you don't like me." He quietly said making Sooji shut her mouth in sadness. She saw the pain and sorrow in his eyes so she decided to just talk. "I like you too Oppa..." She muttered but of course, intended for Hyunjin to hear.

Hyunjin's face lit up while Sooji had a small shy smile on her face. "You do?! Wait, really?" He asked, not believing what she said. Sooji shyly nodded and covered her face with her hands. "But... I don't think I can accept your confession though..." She said.

Hyunjin's face fell once again. Sooji felt bad and tried to cover up what she said. "I-I mean, I can't accept it right now because you know, I'm just 14 and my parents wouldn't approve of me dating you at this age... So, I hope you could maybe... Wait for me in a few years?" She said with a questioning tone at the end.

Somehow, Hyunjin was a little relieved about her reason. True though, they're both minors, and dating at that age wouldn't be a smart decision. "Is that so? I see... It's okay. I'll try to wait for you..." He said with a smile on his face.

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