Pervert (pt.2 of Confession)

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Come Back Home - 2NE1

(Plz imagine they're in "Lotte World")

After getting many tickets and passes for a bunch of rides, they started to go around the amusement park. "Where should we go first?" Sooji asked. "How about we go to the 3D Theater? I think it's called "Across Dark" or something." Hyunjin said while pointing at a specific dot in the map that they had.

"Oh, sure, let's go. It's probably going to open in a few minutes." Chan said making all of them nod their heads. They went to the elevator/or stairs and climbed up to the 4th floor before wandering around, looking for the first attraction they wanted to go to. "Oh, I think it's there..." Felix said and pointed at the section where a lot of people were lining up.

"Oh, right. We should go." Changbin said. They all speed-walked towards the attraction. There were people in two lines. The one on the right was way longer than the other one because the left one's for the riders who have passes for the ride. They lined up at the left side and waited for a few.

30 Minutes Later...

They got out of the ride called 'Across Dark' and a few of them were dizzy. "Let's not ride that again please," Changbin called out as soon as they got out. "Wait what? It was fun! I wanna go again!" Jeongin and Sooji cheered like two toddlers' best friends on a field trip. "Sorry kids, but we still have more rides to go to. But before riding, we can go eat lunch first. What do you say?" Chan said, his smile getting wider at the last sentence.

The other 8 nodded their heads like children and they quickly went to the food stalls that were at the kind of more underground part of the park, and the first one they went to is the restaurant called 'Tanuki'.

45 Minutes Later...

"Wah, the food's so good!" Jisung exclaimed, still chewing his fried shrimp. "Yeah yeah, eat that first Jisung-ah," Hyunjin said while rolling his eyes. Jisung rolled his eyes at Hyunjin and stuck his tongue out after eating the shrimp. "So, what ride is next?" Felix asked with a small smile. "How 'bout we go to Gyro Drop?!" Jeongin happily and excited while clapping his hands in tiny.

"B*tch no! Why would you make us ride that ride!" Jisung scaredly cried out with a horrified face. Sooji and Hyunjin kept their laughter in while Jeongin just rolled his eyes. "Nobody cares Hyung," Jeongin remarked with sass. Hyunjin and Sooji laughed out loud and said "YOU JUST GOT ROASTED!!" in unison.

Chan just facepalmed and thought to himself 'Why are they my kids again?'. Lee Know and Changbin were rolling their eyes, Hyunjin and Sooji were laughing their butts off, Han had a 'WTF did you just say' face, Felix and Seungmin were silently laughing, and Jeongin was just shrugging his shoulders.

1 Hour Later...

An hour later and you have ridden just 3 rides and that's because of the boys' scared asses *And that's on Jisung and Felix*. Sooji was looking at them with her arms on her chest, having an unamused face while shaking her head. "Agh, I can't can we go get a drink?" Jisung painfully groaned making the 2 maknaes roll their eyes at the elder.

"Can you please shut up Hyung? Just tell us that you don't wanna ride and we'll leave your ass in the restaurant."  Jeongin fired making the other 7 'OOOHH' at Jeongin's swaggy words. Jisung's mouth went down to the ground while the others just laughed.

After a freakin' rollercoaster which is 30 minutes later...

They were now on the line for the ride called "Bungee Drop". There were dozens of people waiting in front of them who also had quick passes so they assumed it would take long minutes for them to go on the ride. Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Sooji were the only ones riding because Felix and Han were scared while Seungmin felt sick and dizzy from the other ride that they rode (the rollercoaster).

While they were in line, Sooji was the last one since they stood in line by age meaning a random person was behind her. She was using her phone while looking at the line every minute. 

Then, she heard shuffling from behind her. She looked up and looked at the person behind her. It was a boy. The boy smiled at her while Sooji just awkwardly smiled back. 'WTF DID I JUST DO YOU FREAKIN ASS?' She thought to herself while looking away with a flustered face.

But then, she felt something on her waist. She flinched a little and looked at her waist. 'WHAT. THE. FUCK.' She thought. A hand was on her waist. The first person she thought of was Jeongin, but he was with his Hyungs. She looked at the guy behind her who had a sly smirk.

She gulped and timidly spoke. "A-ahm, ahjussi. Your hand, please take it away." She politely said trying to keep her calm self. The boys she was with still didn't notice what was going on and kept on chatting. "Oh babe, don't you like it?" He said coming closer inch by inch while Sooji tried to take small steps backward. "Why? Are you scared babydoll?"

Her free hand tried to locate where Jeongin was. When she found his arm, she tapped on it hardly causing the boys to look at her. The man's grip on her waist tightened making the boys go to them. "Yah, what do you think are you doing?" Chan growled at the boy who looked at him with confidence. The unknown boy's expression didn't change as he pulled Sooji closer to him.

"And who you are?" He asked making the boys scoff in annoyance. "U-uh... She's my sister." Chan unconsciously said. The boy who held Sooji slowly moved away, now running away. Once he was away, Sooji started to come to Chan and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, I was so scared Oppa... Thank you so much for letting him go away." She sobbed on his chest.

The 4 other boys melted at the sight and unknowingly smiled at the two hugging. Chan hugged back and wrapped his arms around her small figure.

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