Fainted (pt.2 of Tired)

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Regular (English Version) By NCT 127

Sooji and Chan were already in the car just waiting for the other 3 boys. Sooji felt the need to sleep so she placed her head on the car window for support and tried to sleep. Surprisingly, the moment she closed her eyes, she fell asleep. Chan who was in the driver's seat turned to look at Sooji. 

Surprisingly, he saw the girl peacefully sleeping. (Chan)"What's wrong with her today?" He mumbled but stopped looking at Sooji when the car door suddenly opened. revealing the other 3 boys.

15 Minutes Later...

The boys were now fighting over who's gonna wake up the girl who was sleeping peacefully on Hyunjin's shoulder. But due to the loudness of their voices, she was now wide awake. (Sooji)"Oh... Are we here?" She lazily asked.

(Jeongin)"Yeah, um. Sorry for waking you up." But Sooji just slowly nodded and opened the car door before hopping out. The boys noticed her weird behavior but just shrugged their shoulders.

They all went to their dance practice room together and stretched before practicing as usual.

3 Hours Later...

Sooji was feeling so sick but she tried to bear with the pain in her head. It felt like something was poking the sides of her head and everything was just messed up in her head. But she still danced.

Her hands were slightly shaking due to the coldness of the room for her. Her eyes were going everywhere and every corner. It was practice so of course, they were all serious with it.

They were practicing Hellevator and District 9 which were part of what they were going to perform in a few days. 

(Jisung)"I'm on a hellavator~" he sang the high note at the chorus perfectly. But Sooji couldn't help but wobble a bit. For her, the most difficult part was the chorus. Jeongin and Seungmin noticed her shaking and wobbling side to side while dancing. Her face was quite pale too if you looked closely.

Chan and Changbin were too serious and too scary in practice because they want everything to be perfect. Sooji was getting out of breath and started to shake even more.

Her heart area was clenching hardly making her feel a lot of pain in her chest. She got out of place and accidentally got pushed by Jisung. Chan saw that and groaned angrily while pausing the music. (Chan)"Yah! What do you think you're doing?" he spat.

Jisung noticed her pale face and decided to say it. (Jisung)"H-Hyung, she's p---" But he got cut off by Chan. (Chan)"Let's start again." he sternly said glaring at the two before restarting the music.

It was the 37th time that they practiced the song for the whole 3 hours that they had practiced and Sooji was feeling worse. Her moves were getting sloppy and she couldn't move faster making Changbin and Chan furious.

(Chan)"Sooji! How many times do we have to tell you?! Get in your place faster! Why are you so slow?!" Sooji heard it but faintly. She muttered a sorry but the Chan just scoffed. The other members except Changbin looked very worried about the girl.

Chan noticed the boys looking at Sooji with worried eyes so he started to walk to Sooji who was unsteadily breathing. (Chan)"Yah, what the hell are you waiting for?! GET IN YOUR PL---" He was about to yell at them when he saw her eyes roll back as she collapsed.

Hyunjin was quick enough to catch her before she fell to the ground. (Hyunjin)"Omo, w-what happened?" He mumbled before touching Sooji's forehead.

(Hyunjin)"She's sick, Hyung! We have to bring her to the hospital!"

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