Chapter 6 - Chan's Kitchen

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Lil' Touch by SNSD-Oh!GG

(This is now ep.2 of the survival show.)

The three Australian kids walked inside the kitchen. (Chan)"Welcome to Chan's Kitchen!" He happily said with Sooji and Felix behind him. (Sooji)"Yeaaaahh!" She excitedly said and clapped her hands. (Chan)"Firstly, I'll be making Spaghetti Bolognese today, but it's been a while since I cooked so I'm so sorry to you all. I don't even know how it'll turn out."

Today's Chef - Full of worries, Bang Chan

Assistant Chef # 1 - Working hard on everything, Sooji

Assistant Chef # 2 - Massage sideline, Felix

(Chan)"Let's cook it as fast as we can, the kids must be really hungry." He said while pulling out a pot and started to wash it with water.

(Sooji)"But our eyes will burn if we peel the onions." She complained while peeling the onion with a knife. (Chan)"Aw, don't cry Sooji~" 

(Felix)"Ah!" He exclaimed. (Sooji)"Why?" She asked but was still concentrated on the onion that she was peeling. (Felix)"Onion." He said while blinking his eyes due to the strong scent and power of the onion.

(Felix)"Uljima~ Uljima~" He kept telling himself out loud. But in reality, he looks like he's about to cry. He sighed and blinked his eyes many times. Now, there were tears freely flowing out from his eyes.

He kept on sighing while trying to resist the power of the onion. He also kept on wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt, meaning that he's crying. Sooji was also crying but Felix was even more affected.

(Chan)"Wah, my eyes! The onion smell's really strong here." He also complained with a disgusted expression.





Were the only ones heard from them because of the onion.

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