Double Trouble

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Ciel Phantomhive

I woke up in Sebastian's arms. He smiled at me gently. I was about to smile back when both of my sides started hurting.

"ugh!" I gasped desperately grabbing my sides.

"Ciel!" Sebastian exclaimed. He gently rubbed my sides. "Which side hurts?" he asked.

"Both of them" I gasped.

"Shit!" Sebastian yelled. Mey-rin came running in.

"What's the matter Sebastian?"

"There's two of them dammit!" He pulled me into his arms and started crying.

"Sebastian it's ok. I'm ok."

"It's going to hurt you even more. I can't forgive myself." I sat up and kissed him deeply pouring my reassurance into him. He hesitated at first but eventually he gave in and kissed me back passionately.

"um, I am going to get Baldroy to fix you something young master. Is there anything specific you want?" Damn! I forgot about Mey-rin.

"Um anything that isn't too heavy, but not too light either. oh and something sweet too."

"I see somebody is getting his appetite back" Sebastian said kissing the top of my head.

"mmm" I said, unable to respond.

Sebastian Michaelis

Ciel's appetite kept getting bigger and bigger, and so did his stomach. His craving for sweets was even more intense than usual. Eventually his stomach got to the point where he couldn't even fit into his clothes.

"Here my love this will have to do for now." I said handing him one of my shirts and a pair of my pants that I had fixed to fit him.

"Thank you Sebastian" he said kissing my lips. I picked him up and carried him down the stairs. He was getting too weak to walk on his own. The half demons were sucking his energy out of him. I laid him down on the sofa.

"You got a letter from the queen" I said "I replied that you were very ill and wouldn't be on your feet for a while. she hopes you feel better soon."

"Thank you Sebastian" he replied. He fell asleep after that and took a long nap. I sat there and watched him sleep.

Ciel Phantomhive

I woke up with a sharp pain in my stomach. I gasped and Sebastian was at my side instantly. He rubbed my back until the pain subsided. I laid back down trying to catch my breath.

"It seems like these attacks are happening more frequently" Sebastian stated.

"Yeah" was all that I could manage to say.

"I think they will be due soon. Demon children do grow faster than humans. They probably would have come by now if it wasn't for the human blood running through them as well."

Tears started running down my face.

"Please don't cry my love" Sebastian said obviously on the verge of tears himself.

"It hurts Sebastian" I said like a little child who scraped their knee.

"I know my love I am so sorry. just hold on a little bit longer."

I nodded and pulled him on the couch with me. He held me gently and Finny came and covered us up with a blanket. I fell asleep almost instantly.

Sebastian Michaelis

Later that day I carried Ciel out to the garden for a bit of fresh air. I sat down on the bench in the middle of the roses with him in my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me gently. We stayed like this for a long time. Suddenly I noticed how pale Ciel was getting.

"Ciel!" I yelled. Ciel passed out in my arms and a wet spot appeared on my lap. "Shit!" I exclaimed. I ran into the mansion carrying Ciel with me.

"Mey-rin I need you now!" I yelled. Mey-rin came running.

"Yes Sebastian." She said

"They're coming I need you to help me deliver them"

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