The Wedding

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Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel looked beautiful. His dress was like nothing I have ever seen before. It was a sparkly, white dress that had intricate patterns of black woven into the skirt, up to his chest until it came to rest as beautiful raven wings on his back. I paid no attention to the bridesmaids or groomsmen. They were all just a red blur to me. (Compliments of Grell) My eyes were focused on my beautiful Ciel. When he reached the arch of white roses, where my uncle Lucifer and I were standing, I held his delicate hands in mine. He smiled at me. I loved his smile with the altered wig, it was adorable.
"Let this ceremony begin," my uncle Lucifer boomed. the bridesmaids stood on Ciel's side, and the groomsmen on mine.
"Mrs. Midford, please hand Ciel the scroll." Lizzy walked up and handed Ciel his scroll.
"Mr. um Undertaker, please hand sebastian his scroll"
"Hee hee," Undertaker snickered, handing me my scroll. This is tradition to do at weddings. Each person writes their own vows on a scroll and reads it to the other. None of the blah blah blah Sickness and health blah blah God blah blah as long as you both shall live shit.
"Ciel, please read what you have to say to Sebastian," my uncle said, his voice cracking. I don't think anyone in my family ever expected me to find love. For understandable reasons. Ciel unrolled his scroll and took a deep breath before reading.
"Sebastian, when I first summoned you, I had lost my parents, and I had everything taken away from me. I had lost all sense of love. I didn't even know what love was anymore. I was young and naïve. At first you were merely a lowly butler to me, nothing more than a pawn to get me revenge. However, over time, this foreign feeling began to form within me. Every time you touched me, I got chills down my spine. My stomach would churn, and unspeakable things were happening to me. I realized this feeling I was feeling was love. It felt nice to feel again. Of course I had my doubts. I knew that I loved you, but I never expected you to love me back. I was merely an ignorant human child. But, after I ordered you to kiss me, and you passionately obeyed, I knew your feelings were the same. Negative still ran through my head. I thought it would never last. You were going to take my soul after our contract was up; either that or I would die. But then we had Isabella and Vladamir,"

"Ah!" Isabella and Vladamir said in unison. Everyone laughed, then Ciel continued.

"I realized after I awoke as a demon that you would never cast me aside, and you would be there no matter what. I..." his voice cracked, and tears started rolling down his face. "I realized I could love you for an eternity, and you would do the same for me. I swear to remain by your side forever." Ciel finished, and Lizzy was crying. I felt my eyes sting.

"Sebastian please read yours," Lucifer said. I took a deep breath and started reading.

"Ciel my love, I never thought that I could love anyone, but there was something about you that changed me. As I served you for the past few years, I developed weird feelings. Every time I picked you up in my arms, I had to fight the urge to kiss you right there. I may have stolen a few kisses in your sleep," everyone started cracking up laughing, and Ciel blushed. "When you ordered me to kiss you, I thought I was hearing things, but when my lips met yours, and you kissed me back, I realized you returned my feelings. I never thought that a little earl like you would ever love a lowly demon like me. When Vladamir and Isabella were born..."

"dada!" Isabella said.

"Ma!" Vladamir said.

"AWW!" everyone said in unison. Well I'll be damned! That is the first time they ever did that.

"I knew that we would spend eternity together. I love you Ciel and nothing could change that. I swear to remain with you forever," I concluded. Lizzy started crying harder and Ciel squeezed my hand, more tears streaming down his face.

"Hmmph," Anthony grunted. I tensed up. Damn him! That Bastard! Ciel sensed my distress and squeezed my hand harder bringing me back to my senses.

"Mr. Finnian, please bring the rings," my uncle said. Finny walked up slowly with a pillow holding the two rings. "ciel please take Sebastian's ring and place it on his hand." Ciel took the gold ring from the pillow and took my left hand. He slid the ring on my ring finger, and smiled at me. I smiled back. "Sebastian, please take Ciel's ring and place it on his hand." I took the ring from the pillow and placed it on Ciel's left trying fonver.
"Now Ciel, do you promise to love Sebastian for all eternity and stay by his side forever?"
"I do," Ciel answered.
"Now Sebastian, do you promise to love Ciel for all eternity, and stay by his side forever?"
"I do," I said.
"I hereby bless this marriage. You may now seal this vow with a kiss." I couldn't stand it any longer. I grabbed Ciel and crashed my lips into his. He grabbed my neck and deepened the kiss. It was like we were the only people in the world at that moment. Until we weren't.
"Um...Sebs? I think it's sealed now!" My uncle exclaimed. We broke the kiss startled. Everyone started laughing again. "After the banquet is the send off do you have everything prepared?"
"Yes Uncle," I said.
"Good, now bring your lovely Ciel to the main table so we may feast."
"Yes sir!" I said. I took Ciel's hand in mine and led him to the table where we would be sitting. After everyone ate people have us a toast. Lizzy couldn't finish hers because she burst out into tears. Paula had to drag her away and comfort her. I then dragged Ciel to the dance floor. I held his tiny waist, and he wrapped his arms around mine. He still couldn't dance very well, but that didn't matter to me. Everyone else joined in and had a good time. Before we knew it, it was time for the send off. I changed Ciel into more comfortable clothes, and he threw the wig off. We then met everyone outside. People started throwing rice and flower petals at us. Everyone said their goodbyes. Last to give her love was Lizzy. She grabbed Ciel and pulled him into a crushing hug.
"Be happy Ciel. Please, that is all I want for you," she said.
"Thanks Lizzy," Ciel said. Lizzy then turned to me.
"You take care of Ciel and make him happy. If you ever hurt him so help me I will cut off your dick and shove it down your throat demon or not! Got it?"
"Yes ma'am!" I exclaimed. She wasn't shitting around. She can be scary. Everybody's eyes were big, but they eventually started laughing. Ciel and I walked over to my mom and sister who had the children.
"Be good for aunt Katherine and grandma," I said teasingly. I kissed both of them on the top of their heads, and they giggled. Ciel did the same.
"I wouldn't be a smart ass if I was you Sebastian," Mother said.
"Just stating the facts," I said with a smirk giving her a hug. "Please take good care of them."
"I am perfectly capable of taking care of my grandchildren!" Mother shrieked. I laughed, she always overreacted. Anthony was nowhere in sight. Thank Hell for that. The last person we went to was my uncle Lucifer, the king of Hell himself. I gave him a hug. I have not seen him in awhile.
"I am so glad you finally found someone to make you happy," he said with tears in his eyes.
"Aww is the king of Hell actually crying?" I teased.
"Shut up! You're my nephew, I am allowed to cry over you," everyone laughed at this. My uncle walked over to Ciel and brought him into a crushing hug that lifted his feet off the ground. "You take good care of my Sebastian now you hear me?"
"Yes sir!" Ciel answered, out of breath. My uncle put him down and put a hand on his shoulder.
"I am glad you summoned him. You have made him happy, and I thank you for that," he said. Ciel nodded in response.
"Well off you go then!" My uncle boomed. "The estate is all ready for you. Please, do enjoy yourselves," he winked. I smacked my forehead. He could be so perverted sometimes. Ciel was blushing like crazy. Everyone laughed at his expression. My uncle got the portal ready that would bring us to the family island on Hell. I picked Ciel up bridal style. Everyone cheered. Lizzy was crying again. I looked down at Ciel, who looked happier than ever. He grabbed my neck, and crashed his lips into mine. After we broke the kiss, I hugged Ciel close to me.
"Let's go my love," I said jumping through the portal.
A/n =^.^= adorable!!!! I hope you enjoyed this. Next is the honeymoon! Yes there will be lemon in the next chapter my fellow perves xD I am sorry this took so long. I was going to update sooner but shit happened. Then school decided to start and suddenly this year I have more homework than usual. Don't worry though. I will update next chapter as soon as possible. Love you guys like a lot!!!!!

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