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Sebastian Michaelis

I got Ciel into his room and laid him on the bed.

"Mey-rin get a tub of hot water and some towels! Finny and Baldroy make sure nobody gets into this mansion until this is over!" I yelled. the servants obeyed immediately. I ran over to the bed where Ciel was crying in pain.

"Hang in there my love." I told him. he whimpered in response. All of a sudden Ciel's whimpers turned to screams. It made my blood boil. Mey-rin came running in with the supplies we needed. I was going to have to cut them out with my mon nails.

"Love this is going to hurt a lot just bear with me" as soon as I said it I heard a bone snap and his blood curdling scream. my nails elongated and I did not hesitate to dig them into his abdomen. His screams got worse as I got deeper.

"Sebastian make it stop!" he screamed. I was about to comfort him when the door was busted down.

"Ciel I demand to know why you broke up our wed-"

"Somebody get her out of here now!" I screamed. I did not have the patience to deal with Lady Elizabeth right now.

"What's wrong with Ciel and why are you killing him?!"

"Dammit Elizabeth get out!" I screamed. She stood her ground and nobody was brave enough to come into the room. Shit! Just what i needed. My fingers got deeper and they grabbed flesh. I yanked it out with Ciel screaming horribly. The half demon came out crying. this one was a girl. I handed it to Mey-rin who immediately took care of it.

"Sebastian I can't!" ciel whined. another bone snapped and he screamed even louder than before. the other fetus was getting restless without it's sister. I dove my hand inside of him again. He screamed.

"Just a little bit longer my love it's ok" I delved further into him until I reached the other fetus. I yanked it out and laid it on the bed. Lady Elizabeth screamed.

"Dammit Elizabeth I told you to get the hell out of here!"

"No!" she screamed defiantly. I was about to yell back when I noticed Ciel's heart slowing.

"No Ciel stay with me!" I yelled. his breathing was getting slower I knew there was no time to waste. My fangs came out and i bit into my wrist hard. blood came flowing into my mouth. I bent down and joined my mouth with Ciel's. My blood went flowing from my mouth to his. After I emptied my mouth I bent down to Ciel's neck.

"I'm sorry my love it will be over soon" I buried my fangs into his neck.

"What are you doing?!" Lady Elizabeth shouted. Mey-rin was done taking care of the other fetus that turned out to be a boy. She walked over to Lady Elizabeth and dragged her out of the room.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed. I stopped paying attention to her and focused on what I was doing. There was no turning back. this would be forever. I pulled back, my face wet with tears. Mey-rin came back in and put the half demons into the crib we prepared for them. I took Ciel and brought him to my room. I laid him down on my clean bed and changed his clothes and covered him up. He would wake up in a couple of hours, but until then I had to go inspect my children. I quickly got into some clean clothes and quietly stepped out of the room.
Ciel Phantomhive

Darkness, that was all that I could see. I was terrified. was this death? What was this burning sensation permeating through my body? There was a flash of light all of a sudden. Memories started flooding into me. The last memory was of Sebastian's promise of forever. It was quiet for a while. then a voice I thought was Sebastian's told me it was time. I opened my eyes.
Sebastian Michaelis

The children were beautiful. The girl had hair that glowed a bluish-gray like Ciel's hair and had eyes the color of a beautiful sapphire. The boy had raven black hair like mine and crimson red eyes. I adored them. Lady Elizabeth was passed out on the couch from exhaustion. I had erased her memories. she did not need those memories in her head. I was admiring my children when another demonic presence came into the mansion. My love has awoken.

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