The Honeymoon

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Ciel Phantomhive
I held on tight to Sebastian and closed my eyes as we went through the portal. After what felt like forever, we finally arrived at the family island.
"We're here Ciel," Sebastian said. I opened my eyes and gasped. Right in front of me was an island mansion. It was right on a beach of red sand, with a view of the beautiful, blue ocean untouched by man.
"This is my family's private island so that's why it's so clean," he said kissing my head.
"You couldn't find something like this in the human world that's for sure."
"That's because humans have no respect," he replied. I laughed.
"So what do you want to do first?" I asked.
"Hmm, I was thinking we could go to the waterfall for a while, then lay on the sand for a bit, take a shower, then take it to the bed."
"You had this planned out from the start didn't you?" I asked with a smirk.
"Maybe," he said. He kissed me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He continued to kiss me as he walked us to the waterfall. When we arrived, Sebastian broke the kiss, and sat me on a smooth rock. He sat down behind me, and started to unbutton my shirt. His hand brushed my nipple causing me to shiver. He slowly started to unzip my pants. When he had them fully off, my member could be seen through my boxers.
"Excited are we?" Sebastian teased.
"Shut up! I bet yours is worse!" I exclaimed ripping his clothes off, and sure enough there was a huge bulge in his boxers.
"Damn! I guess I've been caught," he sighed. He suddenly picked me up, and threw me into the pool underneath the waterfall. I shrieked. I landed on the bottom and came up gasping. I looked around for Sebastian, but I couldn't find him.
"Ciel!" I heard Sebastian yell. Before I could react, Sebastian jumped from a ledge and landed behind me. I screamed. He came up and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Sebastian! You scared the shit out of... Ahh!" Sebastian started rubbing my nipples before I could finish, making them stand erect. "S-Sebastian!" His lips started to make their way down my neck. He turned me so that I was facing him. He then crashed his lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and deepened the kiss. He grabbed my ass and lifted my legs around his waist. Out members rubbed together through our boxers. He suddenly ripped my boxers off and threw them on a nearby rock. I took this opportunity to rip his off as well and threw them on the same rock as mine. Sebastian walked us over to the waterfall and walked right through it. He backed me against a rocky wall, and started putting his hands all over my body. I moaned. He broke the kiss and started sucking on my nipples.
"S-Sebastian!" I moaned. He made his way down to my navel and stuck his tongue in. "Mmm" I groaned. His mouth then found my member and he took it all in. "Ah!" I screamed. His tongue started swirling around it. He but down slightly making me scream. "Sebastian! I'm going to- ah!" I came into his mouth, and he swallowed every but if it. He say up and hugged me close to him.
"Ciel," he said, pressing his far into the crook of my neck.
"Sebastian," I replied. I felt a tear run from Sebastian's face and into my hair. "Sebastian! What's wrong?" I asked worried.
"I'm just so happy," he said, "Ciel, I can't tell you how happy you have made me."
"Oh Sebastian," I said pulling him closer to my body, "you have made me happy too."
Sebastian Michaelis
I have never been happier than the moments I spend with Ciel. I don't know what I would have done if Ciel never loved me back. I picked Ciel up, and we headed for the beach. I laid him down on the blanket I had set out prior to our arrival. I say down next to him and laid down on my side facing him. He smiled at me, and scooted closer. He wrapped his arms around my neck, while I wrapped mine around his waist. He sighed with happiness. Ciel wrapped his legs around my waist, and I pulled him closer to my body if that was even possible.
"I am so glad it is going to be just the two of us for a while," I said, "no idiotic servants, no annoying family members, just my beautiful husband."
"Same," Ciel replied. He leaned his face up and kissed me passionately. My hands started roaming his body, rubbing up and down his back, and tangling in his hair. Ciel started doing the same to me. This lasted awhile until we couldn't breathe anymore. Ciel and I  laid on that blanket with our limbs tangled together and our bodies as close to each other as they could get, until the sun went down. Together we watched the sun set and the stars come out.
"Beautiful," Ciel said under his breath.
"Just like you," I said. I kissed the top of his head and inhaled his distinctive scent. Ciel sighed and leaned into me.
"Would you like to take that shower now?" I asked.
"Absolutely," Ciel replied. I picked him up again and carried him to the bathroom. I turned the show on to a comfortable temperature. I picked Ciel up in my arms, and stepped into the shower. Ciel and I washed each other until we felt like we we're clean enough. I turned the water off and picked Ciel up again and quickly dried us off. I ran us at demon speed to the bed and gently threw Ciel on the bed.
Ciel Phantomhive
Sebastian threw me on the bed and pinned my arms above my head. He started kissing down my body. As he was kissing me, he started playing with my entrance. I gently pushed him away.
"S-Sebastian... W-won't I-I... I mean, y-you know..." I stuttered. I did not want to mention what happened last time. Sebastian chuckled.
"What's so funny?!" I exclaimed.
"I'm sorry," Sebastian said, "let me explain. Last time we had sex I was so caught up in how much I wanted you that I forgot that the time in Hell and the time on earth are completely different. In Hell, that time of the year is mating season. So I'm when we um..."
"Ok Sebastian I get it!" I exclaimed. Sebastian started cracking up laughing.
"W-what?!" I stuttered.
"You're just so cute when you're embarrassed," he chuckled.
"Shut up!" I said trying to sound composed, but I too started cracking up laughing. Our little laughing fit lasted a few minutes until we were out of breath.
"I love you so much, Ciel," Sebastian said once he gained his composure.
"I love you too, my dear Sebby," I said. He crashed his lips into mine. I grabbed his neck and deepened the kiss. When the kiss broke, Sebastian looked at me with his beautiful crimson eyes.
"Shall we continued?" He asked seductively.
"Maaaaaaybeeee," I said smiling. When Sebastian thrusted into me, I screamed from the pleasure. It felt so damn good. I tangled my fingers into his hair. He started moving really slow, obviously teasing me.
"Dammit Sebastian! M-move faster!" I yelled.
"Yes my love," he said. He started moving faster, hitting my prostate every time. I moaned from the pleasure.
"Mmm Sebastian," I moaned.
"Ciel," he moaned back. I raked my fingers on his back drawing blood. His back arched from my touch. He started playing with my nipples, causing me to mom louder.
"Sh-shit Sebastian!" I moaned.
"Ciel I am close," Sebastian whispered in my ear. I shivered as I felt his breath brush against me.
"Me too," I said. After a few more thrusts, Sebastian came inside of me, and I came all over Sebastian. Sebastian collapsed on top of me. We were both panting.
"Ciel," he said nuzzling into my neck, "my precious Ciel."
"Sebastian," I responded.
Sebastian Michaelis
The rest of our honeymoon was like that first day. We played chess every once in a while, and swam in the ocean. I couldn't ask for anything better. Ciel and I were snuggling on the beach, when I felt a familiar, but unwelcome presence. No! Not now! Please no! I thought. Ciel must have felt me stiffen because he looked worried.
"Sebastian, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.
"N-nothing," I answered clearly lying.
"Sebastian, you are a horrible liar, tell me the truth," he said. I felt a single tear fall from my eye. "Sebastian!" I was about to answer when He walked up.
"Long time no see Xander," he said with a horrible grin.
"The name is Sebastian. I don't go by that filthy name you gave me!" I growled.
"S-Sebastian, who is that?" Ciel asked huddling close to me.
"Ah come on, did you not tell your little human lover about me? That makes me so sad," he said with a fake pout, "the name is Aidan Michaelis, Sebastian's father,"
"W-what?" Ciel stammered.
"Leave him alone!" I growled at my "father"
"Ah come on son, I just wanted to meet my new son-in-law," he sneered.
"I know that is not what you came for, and how the hell do you even know about him?"
"I have my sources. Come on out my precious boy." No! That bastard! Anthony came out of the shadows and sneered at Ciel and I.
"You Bastard!" I yelled.
"Hello brother," Anthony sneered.

A/n Dun! Dun! Duuuuuun!!! Cliffhanger! We are now getting into Sebastian's family and his past. I am so excited about writing this. Idk how this will turn out but we shall see.

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