Truth Be Told

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Sebastian Michaelis
I woke up on a daze. My back hurt, and my memory was foggy. I was trying to remember, when it all hit me at once. Aidan. Anthony. Ciel. Where was he?
"Ciel," I groaned trying to sit up, but a firm hand pushed me back down.
"Shh," Katherine whispered, "he's okay, he is just resting. He used too much of his energy, and his arm is broken, but healing."
"That bastard! I'm gonna kill him!" I exclaimed, but regretted it when a sharp pain went from my back through the rest of my body. I gritted my teeth.
"Sebastian sweetie, calm down. Tell me what happened, calmly."
"Where's Uncle?" I asked.
"I'm right here, now tell us what happened." Comforted that uncle was there, I began to recount our last hour of our honeymoon. Uncle moved closer to the bed I was laying on so I could see his face. When I got to the part where Anthony showed up, Katherine paled.
"No, he didn't. He couldn't have. He, he changed! He swore he changed!" She sobbed.
"Katherine, I told you I never trusted the guy," I told her.
"This is very disturbing news," uncle said with concern, "Aidan is obviously after the throne to Hell again, and has now drug Ciel in the middle of it."
"Where's Ciel?" I asked.
"I'm right here," Ciel said from the doorway.
"Ciel, what are you doing here? You should be in bed resting!" Katherine shrieked.
"Screw that! I want to be with Sebastian!" Ciel exclaimed.
"Ciel," I whispered, my voice cracking. Ciel slowly made his way to my bed and laid down next to me resting his head on my chest. His left arm was still swollen, but it was looking better. That is one perk of being a demon, you heal fairly quickly. I stroked his arm gently, wishing that I could stroke the pain away. He relaxed into my touch, sighing.
"Sebastian, we have to explain to him-"
"No, uncle. You don't have to do anything. I will be the one telling him. Please, leave us for a bit."
"Okay Sebastian. Come Katherine." Katherine walked out with uncle, closing the door behind them. Ciel and I were alone.
"Ciel, I'm so-"
"Sebastian, no. It wasn't your fault."
"Yeah, but I have kept so much from you, and I-"
"Did you not hear a single word I screamed at that son of a bitch? I meant every word I said."
"Ciel," I whispered tenderly. Ciel raised himself up with his good arm, and planted his lips on mine. The kiss became deep and passionate. I felt my injuries tingle. After we broke the kiss, I was no longer in pain. I sat up, and wrapped my arms around Ciel. Only a really strong bond can heal injuries like that.
"Ciel," I said breaking the hug. "I want to tell you more about myself and clear some things up."
"Okay Sebastian, I'm listening. Just know that nothing you say will change hiw I feel about you." I felt a single tear fall out of my eye, but Ciel wiped it away and smiled at me.
"Okay, as you know my uncle is Lucifer, the king of Hell himself. My father is his brother, and he wanted the throne for himself, but he was the youngest. He wanted it so bad, he committed treason. He was supposed to inherit the throne if my uncle was killed, since my cousin was too young at the time. But then my cousin became of age and became the rightful heir. My father would only inherit the throne after he died. My father didn't want to wait that long, however. In the middle of the night, he snuck into the palace and killed my cousin in his sleep. He thought he would get away with it, but my uncle caught him in the act. He was pissed. My father managed to escape, but that wasn't the last time we saw him. He snuck into mine and Anthony's shared room and asked us to join him. I told him there was no way in Hell I would do something like that, but Anthony was all too eager with the promise of being a prince. He went with father that night and betrayed us all. Father started a war that lasted 4 years. He eventually lost and was banished. My brother, however, was pardoned by my uncle. Anthony gave him this bullshit how he was sorry, and that Aidan threatened him. Obviously he was full of shit. With my father and Anthony banned from inheriting the throne, I was next in line. I'm sorry I did me tell you all of this sooner, I just didn't want you to have to deal with this."
"Sebastian," Ciel said leaning towards me. I captured his lips in mine and deepened the kiss. The kiss lingered for a while before we broke apart. I hugged Ciel close to me, never wanting to let him go. "I told you, nothing you say to me is going to change how I feel about you no matter how fucked up it is. I love you."
"I love you too, Ciel," I said hugging him tighter.
"Aww they are so freakin' perfect!" a shriek came from the hallway outside the door.
"Katherine!" another familiar voice shrieked.
"Holy shit!" Ciel said jumping up and running to the door. When he opened it, my mother was standing there scolding Katherine while holding Isabella and Vladimir.
"Ma!" Isabella exclaimed, reaching for Ciel. Ciel took her into his arms and hugged her close. Vladimir got jealous and reached for Ciel too. I got up and took Vladimir. Ciel and I took our children to the bed and sat down with them. We sat across from each other with our knees touching. Vladimir and Isabella we giggling. They obviously missed us.
"They cried as soon as you left," my mother said.
"Aww," Ciel said, hugging Isabella. The children have gotten bigger. I felt like crying.
"They really love you guys."
"I missed you guys so much," Ciel said. He reached towards Vladimir and took his tiny hands in his. Vladimir grinned and leaned towards Ciel. Ciel caught him and put him in his lap next to Isabella. Both of the children snuggled into Ciel's chest. He smiled and hugged both of them closer.
"What am I a Shinigami?" Mother asked.
"Sorry Mother. Come here," I said giving her a hug. "Thanks so much for taking care of them."
"Whatever, I'm just glad you two are okay."
Ciel Phantomhive
It was so good to see the children again. They were obviously happy to see us as well. Isabella hung all over Sebastian, and Vladimir was with me most of the time. Lady Elizabeth came to visit us with tears in her eyes. She obviously heard about what happened.
"I'm so glad you two are okay!" Lizzy exclaimed.
"Thanks Lizzy," I said. I was still a little tired and the children kept me up. Katherine tried to calm them down, but I was always the one to succeed in the end.
"Sometimes a child just needs its mother," Sebastian said, massaging my shoulders after another long night.
"I know, I'm just really tired," I said.
"I bet. They probably just missed you while you were gone."
"Mmm," I replied, leaning into his touch. Sebastian chuckled, and started rubbing harder. It felt good. When I had enough, I pushed Sebastian back on the bed, and laid my head on his chest.
"I love you so much," I said exhaustively.
"I love you too, Ciel," he replied. I couldn't deny sleep any longer. I shut my eyes, and slowly went to sleep.
AN: Yay! I finally updated. I am so freaking sorry but I feel better... sorta... but anyway there are only a few chapters left soooooo.... I am writing other fanfics tho. I am in the middle of a gratsu one if you want to check it out when i publish it. Feel free to suggest other OTPs. Love you guys

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