Final Battle

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Sebastian Michaelis
  Aidan was in the ground howling in pain after Katherine decapitated his arm.
"You keep your shitty hands off of my brothers!" Katherine yelled.
"You bitch!" Aidan yelled.
"Hmm I guess I am a bitch considering my father is a damn dog!"
"Why you!" Aidan got up to charge Katherine, but my mother and I put a barrier around him causing him to slam back to the ground. He yelled in frustration. Ciel slowly gained consciousness. When he was fully revived, he crawled towards me. I picked him up and put him on my shoulders. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I could finally relax. Ciel was okay.
"I don't know what I ever saw in you," mother said sadly, "but I do know that you are a sorry ass excuse for a demon and sure as hell do not deserve to have power. Now die asshole!" My mother finished her rant and held mine and Katherine's hands. Ciel held me tighter and transferred some of his demonic energy into me. I silently thanked him and together with my family, I gathered my power and combined it with theirs. Aidan tried to get up, but Ciel threw a psi ball at him knocking him back down. After my family and I combined all the power we could muster, we threw it in the direction I Aidan. He screamed as the power consumed him until there was nothing left of Aidan Michaelis.
Ciel Phantomhive
  It was finally over. Aidan was gone, and the rest of the Michaelis family was left exhausted. Sebastian took me off of his shoulders and swung me around.
"Ciel, I couldn't have done anything without you! Thank you so much!"
"Mmm," I said nuzzling into his neck.
"You okay?" Sebastian asked.
"Yeah, it's just... Now I'm really tired!" Loretta and Katherine laughed.
"I guess between the kids waking you up and the battle, you would be tired," Katherine said.
"Mmm," was the only response I could muster as I closed my eyes.
"Mom... Where's uncle?" Sebastian asked. My eyes snapped open.
"Oh shit! Lucifer!" Loretta yelled.
"Ugh!" Uncle said limping towards us. His wound were slowly healing, causing him to become weak.
"Uncle!" Katherine exclaimed running towards him. Sebastian ran over to him as well, carrying me with him.
"Uncle, are you okay?" Sebastian asked worried.
"Yeah, yeah, I just need to rest... Damn! I can't believe I let him get the best if me like that!"
"Well he's gone for good. He is dead. We are all alive. Goodbye. The end. And good-fucking-night!" Katherine ranted before passing out.
"Oh Katherine," Loretta said shaking he head.
Sebastian Michaelis
  Mother carried Katherine to the mansion and laid her in her bed. After she got her situated, she summoned a portal for Ciel and I to go to Lady Elizabeth. When we got there, Lizzy ran towards us with tears in her eyes.
"I'm so glad you two are okay!" She exclaimed. She jumped on us, causing me to suck on my breath from the sudden pain on my ribs. "Oh no! Sebastian you're hurt! Come inside and get some rest." She led us through the door of her mansion and left us in a guest room. I carried Ciel with me to te bed where we both crashed immediately.
A/n okay so the next chapter will be the last one in this fanfic. I would like to thank you all, my beautiful and awesome readers. Without you this story would not have gotten this far. I am of course working on other fanfics so yeah you should check them out. I will list then in the acknowledgements after the epilogue. Love you guys !!!!!!

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