the unexpected surprise

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hey guys sorry it has been a while. I have been busy with school and having trouble with internet but I finally update!
Sebastian Michaelis

I didn't know what to do. Ciel was lying in my arms unconscious. tears started rolling out of my eyes. I held his abdomen gently. that was when it moved. Shit! this could not be happening! I picked Ciel up and laid him down gently on his bed. I cleaned the vomit from the floor, and went to put the cleaning supplies away. What was I going to do. I should have been more careful. I knew that it was possible for a demon to impregnate a male.

"Dammit!" I yelled

"Sebastian?" Finny asked behind the corner.

"What Finny?" I answered clearly agitated.

"Is anything the matter?"

"What makes you think that?" I snapped

"It's just that I have never seen you lose your composure before" I didn't know how to answer that.

"Have you performed your duties like i asked you to?" I asked

"No" Finny answered shyly

"Then get back to work dammit!" I yelled.

"yes sir" Finny answered shaking. he ran off in the other direction. I know I shouldn't have yelled at him, but I just didn't feel like dealing with the incompetent servants right now.

"SEBASTIAN!!" Ciel screamed from his room clearly in pain. he must have become conscious again. I ran into his room as fast as my demon speed would let me. I reached Ciel in a heartbeat. "What is it my love?" I asked him gently

"it hurts Sebastian." he said with a tear stained face. "I don't know what is wrong with me. seeing him in pain like that made me lose it. I started sobbing

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Ciel! Dammit it's all my fault!"

"S-Sebastian? what's wrong? what is your fault? answer me dammit! ugh!" he doubled over in pain.

"Ciel, I'm so sorry" I whispered.

"what are you sorry for Sebastian please tell m- ugh" Ciel threw up all over the bed. " what is wrong with me" he asked laying his head on my chest.

"Ciel. I think you are pregnant." I told him calmly.

"What?! That's impossible! I am a ma- well a boy! that is just crazy Sebastian! do you need some time off or something?"

"Ciel I am being serious right now. you already know I am a demon. it is possible for a demon to impregnate a male. Ciel I am so sorry I should have been more careful I just-" I started sobbing again. Ciel put his arms around my neck and started stroking my hair. I held him close, but gently. we were both silent for a few minutes, then Ciel was the first one to break the silence.

"Well I guess we will just have to prepare for a baby." how the hell was he taking this better than me when he was the one with a freakin demon child in his stomach?!

"Ciel I'm s-"

"yeah yeah you're sorry, but apologizing over and over isn't going to change the fact that it happened. Now we are just going to have to deal with it. We need to make the preparations necessary and we have to tell lady eliz-" he shuddered "we have to tell Lady Elizabeth that the wedding is off."

"When did you become so mature?" I asked.

"I guess I have you to thank for that" he said. Ciel pulled me closer and crashed his lips into mine. He was obviously in pain, but he took it like a man. The kiss lasted for what felt like hours. I was the first to break away.

"Ciel, listen to me. there is a chance that you will not make it through the birth, but there is a way for me to turn you into a demon at the last minute. if you will let me that is"

"Become a demon and live an eternity with you in hell"

"Yes, I understand if you don't want to"

"Why wouldn't I want to spend an eternity with the best thing that has happened to me in my entire life?!" he asked. I pulled him in for another kiss this one deeper and longer than the last.

"Now," Ciel said "How should we deal with the servants?" he asked. as if on cue there was a loud crash from downstairs.

"Shit!" I said "I guess I didn't think about that."
Ciel Phantomhive

Sebastian carried me down the stairs. we arrived at the dining hall where a wailing mey-rin was surrounded by a pile of broken plates.

"Sebastian! Young Master! I'm so sorry! I broke the plates I did!"

"Don't worry about it right now" Sebastian said " gather all of the other servants and tell them to meet us in the living room for an important meeting."

"Yes sir!" mey-rin said saluting Sebastian. she ran off in the other direction in search of the other servants.

"Sebastian? Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him.

"Of course, it can't be avoided. besides it means I will have more help for you." I snuggled into his chest.

  A few minutes later, mey-rin came in with the other servants.

"ok let this meeting begin" sebastian  said.

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