A little too far

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omg! I am so sorry it has been so long. I have been so busy with school and stuff that I haven't had the time to update. I hope you like this. please message me if you have any suggestions.
Sebastian Michaelis

I had the best night with Ciel last night. I didn't take things as far as I wanted to, due to the fact that he is inexperienced with this sort of thing, but tonight would be different. Tonight would be a night to remember.

Ciel Phantomhive

I stared blankly at the pile of papers on my desk. There were so many! I would never have any time with Sebastian at this pace. I picked up my pen and started signing papers. I was halfway through the papers when Sebastian came in with my afternoon tea.

"Your tea young master." he said with a slight bow, setting the tea on my desk. "Today we have Earl Grey with a slight dose of honey"

"Thank you Sebastian. You know you don't have to be so formal with me when it is just the two of us" I stated.

"I know young master"

"please it's just us, call me Ciel!"

"Yes my dearest Ciel"

I felt myself flush, and sebastian chuckled.

"As you are doing your paperwork, I will be preparing for tonight" Sebastian said winking at me. I felt myself get a little warmer. Sebastian smiled and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I sighed, resuming my paperwork and sipping my Earl Grey tea. It felt like an eternity before I finally signed the last paper.

On time as usual, Sebastian walked in.

"We will be eating dinner as usual, and then I have given the servants a nice weekend off. It will be just you and me. I liked the sound of that. I ate my dinner as quickly as possible without arousing suspicion. As soon as I was done eating sebastian cleared the table, and saw to it that the servants were taken care of.

Sebastian Michaelis

The time has finally arrived. I have been out of it all day waiting for this opportunity. I barely kept my composure as I made my way into Ciel's room. He was already there waiting for me with a smile on his face. oh how I love his cute little smile. I wasted no time making my way towards Ciel and crashing my lips into his. Ciel wrapped his arms around my neck, running his fingers through my hair. We ripped eachother's clothes off until there was nothing between us. I picked Ciel up, and placed him on the bed.

"Are you ready for this my love?" I asked my lover

"Yes Sebastian, do it now please!" I smirked loving the way he was begging for it. I crashed my lips with his again and forced my tongue into Ciel's mouth. He moaned with pleasure, his erection hard and sticking straight up. I broke the kiss and stuck my fingers in Ciel's mouth.

"Suck" I told him. he started sucking on my fingers running his tongue over each one. When they were wet enough, I pulled my fingers out of Ciel's mouth and slowly put one finger into his entrance at a time. His moans got louder, pre-cum oozing it's way out of his tip. When I felt that he was ready I slowly pulled my fingers out and aimed my shaft in front of his entrance. I slowly entered him, getting him used to the feeling. His moans soon turned into screams.

"S-Sebastian!" Ciel moaned.

"hang on love, you will get used to it. Very soon that pain will turn to pleasure." he soon relaxed and ran his hands over my back, making sure to get each spot. I started thrusting in and out of him, slowly at first, but eventually getting faster. Ciel moaned even louder, but I wasn't completely satisfied. I took Ciel's shaft in my hand and started pumping. I could tell he was reaching his climax, and so I.

"Ah Sebastian I'm going to-"

"Go ahead young master, scream my name as you do it."

"SEBASTIAN!" he screamed releasing all over my hand, as I released inside of him. I licked Ciel's delicious cum off of my hand and laid down by a panting Ciel. He looked truly happy.

"I love you Sebastian" he said passionately

"I love you too Ciel" I replied. he smiled and fell asleep in my arms, his head laying on my chest. I smiled and kissed him on the top of his head.

"Sweet dreams, my love," I whispered.

Ciel Phantomhive

I woke up sore and tired. I rolled over in the bed, but Sebastian wasn't there. He was probably making breakfast preparations. I sat up, but as I did I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I gasped, doubling over in pain. I took deep breaths until the pain went away and sighed. What was wrong with me? I was waiting for Sebastian to be done when it hit me all of a sudden. a wave of nausea came over me and I tried to run to the bathroom. My hips hurt too much and I fell over. I tried to crawl to the bathroom, but I couldn't make it. I threw up on the floor, sobbing as I did. Sebastian came running into the room, concern all over his face.

"Young master!" he yelled. he started coming my way. as he moved towards me I felt something move inside of me. I grabbed my stomach in pain. I felt myself losing consciousness. I fell over as the darkness took me. Two strong arms kept me from hitting the floor.

"young master" was the last thing I heard before passing out.

Cliff Hanger! anyways please comment what you think and vote. if you have any requests please message me. I do take suggestions so if the is another fanfiction you would like me to write please feel free to message me your ideas. goodnight my peoples.

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