Trouble in paradise

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Ciel Phantomhive
I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. Sebastian looked like he was going to kill his brother, and Aidan was staring at me with a smirk on his face. I buried my face in Sebastian's arm. He put his arms around me as if to protect me.
"You really are pathetic brother. Falling in love with a weak little human. Why should you of all people inherit the throne to Hell?" Anthony sneered. Wait...what?!
"Sebastian?" I asked confused.
"Still haven't told him yet? Really Sebs, I thought you to were-"
"Shut the hell up!" Sebastian yelled.
"Language my boy," Aidan sneered.
"Fuck you! You are not my father!"
"Actually I-" Aidan didn't have time to finish before Sebastian tackled him to the ground. Sebastian was all fangs and claws as he started tearing his father apart. Aidan started attacking back. I backed up a little bit, trying to distance myself from the fight, but I bumped right into Anthony. I looked up into his sneering face, and felt the blood drain from my face.
"Hello brother-in-law," Anthony snickered grabbing my arms.
"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled trying to break his grasp. Anthony started laughing and tightened his grip on my arms causing me to wince in pain.
"Seems right that Sebastian would fall on love with a weakling like you seeing as he is weak himself," he said.
"Oh, I don't know, I say he is doing pretty good against your father for someone who is weak," I said with a smirk. Anthony looked over to where Sebastian was battling his father and growled. I took the opportunity to kick out at Anthony and kicked him in the groin. He howled in pain, but his grip on my arms did not loosen. In fact, he gripped my left arm tighter until it snapped. I screamed from the sudden rush of pain and fell to the ground.
"Ciel!" Sebastian yelled. I looked at Sebastian to tell him I was fine, when Aidan got up from the ground beating his claws.
"Sebastian look o-" but I was too late. Aidan dug his claws into Sebastian's back causing him to scream out in pain. He fell to the ground and started breathing heavily.
"Sebastian!" I yelled. I tried to get up and go to him, but Anthony kicked me back to the ground and dug his boot into my back. I gasped in shock.
"I don't know what made you think you could beat me Xander, but it looks like you're gonna die with your precious Ciel watching." Aidan sneered. He walked towards me and bent down to my level. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.
"Don't touch him!" Sebastian screamed still unable to get up. Aidan ignored him and continued sneering at me.
"You know Ciel, it would be a shame for you to die for Sebastian's sake. He lied to you, why should you stay with him. Come and join me and you c-"
"Why in the fucking hell would I betray Sebastian for an asshole like you?! And guess what, I don't give a damn that Sebastian kept stuff from me! That is a hell of a lot different than lying! Hell I would keep your existence a secret too! I have kept stuff from him in the past, and he found out about it in a way he shouldn't have had to! He still loved me anyway and the same goes for me! I still love him and. Sorry excuse for a man like you isn't going to change that!" I screamed.
"You really are pathetic!" Aidan exclaimed. "And stupid." He started laughing at me. I brought up the courage and spat in his face. He reeled back in shock. Anthony's boot dug deeper into my back until I winced in pain. His laughter pissed me off. My blood started boiling and I felt something pop out of my head, butt, and something on my back that knocked Anthony off his feet.
Sebastian Michaelis
Ciel unlocked his demon form. This is not how I wanted it to happen. Ciel had cat ears and a cat tail. On his back was beautiful, black raven wings like the ones on his wedding dress. His eyes were boiling with fury. Anthony tried to grab at him, but Ciel clawed him across his face. Anthony screamed I'm pain. Aidan took a few steps back and looked at Ciel in shock. He then closed his eyes and brought forth all of his power he could manage. He aimed for Ciel. I got up as fast as I could and knocked him into Anthony. They both yelled as they fell onto the ground. Ciel, still looking pissed, was summoning his power. He collected his power and threw it at Anthony and Aidan, but not before they escaped. I limped over to Ciel to comfort him, when he started to fall. I caught him in my arms, and fell to the ground with him on top of me.
"Ciel," I whispered in his ear. He used too much of his energy. He was back in his human form and burning up. I cradled him in my arms, my vision starting to get blurry. I passed out, but not before I saw two figures, one male and one female, running towards us.
A/n sorry it's shorter than most of my chapters. This one was just a filler. There are only a few chapters left in this fanfic, but don't worry I will be making more. I really hope you all will read them. I know feel like explaining how I chose the names of Sebastian's brother and father. Aidan and Anthony are the names of the two boys who broke my best friend/ could be sister's heart into a million pieces. This is sort of like a big fuck you to them xD.

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