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Ciel Phantomhive
It has been 5 years since the incident. Today is Vladimir and Isabella's 5th birthday. Lady Elizabeth was having the party at her mansion. She was all too happy to do it. Sebastian and I were sitting on a blanket watching Lady Elizabeth teaching Vladimir how to use a sword, (if you haven't read the manga, yeah, Lady Elizabeth kicks ass with a sword,) when Isabella came running towards us. She jumped into my arms and cuddled into my neck.
"Mommy?" Isabella asked.
"Yes?" I replied.
"How did you and daddy meet? And how come me and Vladimir are here? Ad why are we in the human world?" Isabella always was the one to ask so many questions. I was pondering on how I should answer, when Vladimir ran towards us as well.
"Ooh! I want to hear this story too!" I was still pondering on how I should answer, when Sebastian answered for me.
"Well kids, that is a wonderful story," Sebastian said, kissing my lips.
"Aww!" Isabella and Lady Elizabeth exclaimed together.
"Yuck!" Vladimir exclaimed. We all laughed at his reaction. I snuggled into Sebastian's chest as he started relaying OUR story, twisting a few things here and there to make it child appropriate. I sighed with happiness and smiled.

A/n Thank you so much for going through this journey with me. The next page will be my acknowledgements and a list a fanfics I will be working on. That page will also be the place that you can comment any requests you may have. Thanks again.

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