Secrets revealed

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Ciel Phantomhive

The meeting went on. Sebastian told them everything. He told them how he was a demon, when I summoned him and why, and last but certainly not least our relationship. Mey-rin and Finny had their usual stupid looks on their faces, but Baldroy sighed and was the first one to speak.

"I knew there was somethin' 'bout ya that wasn't quite right, but I couldn't put my finger on it" he said.

"How very intuitive of you Mr. Baldroy" Sebastian said. "Now to the matter at hand. I understand if you never trust me again, but we seriously could use your help. Being a demon means that it is possible for me to impregnate a male, as in the case with Ciel." There were gasps from all three servants. i guess they weren't too stupid to know what that meant. I gently held my abdomen where I felt a gentler kick this time. "It is up to you whether you want to stay or not, but know that Ciel is in desperate need of your help."

"I ain't goin nowhere!" Finny exclaimed. "I like working here. I don't care if you are a demon or not, you are still very kind and you helped me when I felt that I was helpless."

"Right!" the other two servants said together. I couldn't help but smile. They really were idiots, but I was glad to have them around.

"Ok now someone help me to the telephone I need to tell Lady Elizabeth that the wedding is off." I winced, but not from the pain in my stomach.

Sebastian Michaelis

I carried Ciel to the phone. He had his head buried in my chest and he was shaking.

"Everything will be ok my love" I assured him

"She's going to be pissed, and her parents are going to kill me."

"I won't let that happen to you" I kissed the top of his head. He settled down a little bit after that. We arrived at the phone, and Finny pulled out a chair. I gently sat Ciel down in the chair. I handed him the phone, and he slowly dialed Lady Elizabeth's number. The phone rang once before Lady Elizabeth's voice was at the other end. You didn't need to be the one holding the phone to hear the whole conversation. Lady Elizabeth is very loud. I never did like her.

"CIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL! I am so glad you called! mama and papa want to have the wedding early! It will be in June when all weddings should be."

"Lady Elizabeth I-"

"It's Lizzie! I told you to call me Lizzie Ciel!"

"Lizzie I-"

"this is so exciting! there will be pink streamers and I picked out the most beautiful pink dress. This is going to be the best wedding in the hist-"

"LADY ELIZABETH WOULD YOU LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!" Ciel winced but quickly gained his composure.

"What's the matter Ciel"

"Lady Elizabeth I can't do this the wedding is off." he said quickly. There was silence on the other end and then Lady Elizabeth's horrible wailing.

"How could you Ciel after everything I have done for you!"

"I am really sorry Elizabeth, but I just can't. You wouldn't understand."

"Whatever Ciel. Never call here again you jerk!" she slammed the phone down. Ciel handed me the phone and started grabbing his stomach.

"Ciel, the stress isn't good for you, we need to get you to bed." he nodded and I gently lifted him out of the chair. Finny put the chair where it belonged and followed us upstairs. Finny opened the door to Ciel's bedroom. There were new sheets on the bed. I thanked Finny and he left us alone. I gently laid Ciel down on the bed and covered him up.

"Would you like some soup to eat my love? you know you need to eat for two now."

"yes I suppose. nothing to strong though."

"Of course my love." I gently kissed his lips. "I will return in a mom-" just as I was about to leave Baldroy came in with a cart. "Um I figured the young lord didn't eat nothin so uh I thought that I would make some soup that is gentle on the stomach so uh yeah. I promise I didn't blow anything up or anything, and I followed a recipe"

"Thanks Baldroy I appreciate it." Ciel said. Baldroy rolled the cart over to the bed and handed me the soup. I grabbed a spoonful and slowly put it into Ciel's mouth.

"It's good" he said. Baldroy beamed.

"Good work Baldroy" I said.

"Uh thank you Sebastian, Young master, um I will uh go now. is there anything else I can do?"

"No you have done wonderfully" Baldroy nodded and walked out.

"I never expected that from him" Ciel said.

"Neither did I to be honest" I said. I fed Ciel the rest of the soup and Mey-rin came to take the cart away.

"Thanks Mey-rin" Ciel said.

"Yes young master" Mey-rin said before exiting. Ciel yawned.

"Alright my love it is time for you to go to bed."

"You'll stay with me won't you?"

"Of course" I crawled in the bed with him and he snuggled up into my chest.

"I love you" he muttered.

"I love you too" His breaths became slower and he fell asleep in my arms.

Hey guys. I know I just updated yesterday, but I felt like I owed you guys big time for not updating for five months! I am a horrible person I am so sorry. And now my friends are agreeing with me. (thanks William and Ashley) I promise I will not take that long to update again. I might try to update again sometime this week. Thank you to all of you who read this it really means something to me. Now I better get to work on my algebra which I should be doing in this class instead of writing thus authors note but oh well.

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