the planning

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Sebastian Michaelis

The servants and I were busy with planning, while my love, Ciel, and Lady Elizabeth watched over the children. The guest list would be minimal. It is as follows...

-Lady Elizabeth (maid of honor)

-Mey-rin (bridesmaid)

-Grell Sutcliff (bridesmaid) ~ I am hoping he leaves me alone after this (go to william you guys would be perfect!)

-Undertaker (best man)

-Finny (Ring bearer)

-William T. Spears (groomsman) ~If he shows

-Baldroy (groomsman)


-Ronald Knox

-Katherine Michaelis (my sister)

-Loretta Michaelis (my mother)

-Anthony Michaelis (my brother) <---- reluctantly (forced by my sister)


-And last but not least... Lucifer Michaelis (my uncle and the one marrying us)

Mey-rin was taking care of the invitations, while I was helping Baldroy In the kitchen, making the cake and appetizers. As I was setting up my infamous champagne glass pyramid I heard a horrible wailing coming from the garden. It  was none other than Finny, the gardener. I sighed and ran off in the direction of the garden. When I got there, I nearly strangled the puny gardener. The arch of white roses had become the broken arch of dead roses and the cherry blossom trees were broken in many places. The only thing he managed not to ruin was the variety of flower petals that were to be scattered on the aisle prior to Ciel's arrival.

"Finny, what in Lucifer's name happened this time?!" I asked irritated.

"I-i'm so sorry Mr. Sebastian!" he wailed, "I saw a bug on the arch , so I sprayed it with pesticide, but I think I used too much, and when the roses died, the arch fell and broke! And I was hanging the streamers and lanterns through the cherry blossoms, but I had a too strong of a grip and sometimes tied it too tight, or hammered too hard! I'm sorry!"

"Finny, first of all, you didn't use pesticide, you freakin' used bleach!" I yelled the last part holding up the bottle he used. He started wailing even more. "And second of all, how many times do I have to tell you to be careful with the trees with your super strength?!"

"I'm sorry Mr. Sebastian!" he wailed.

"No matter," I said clapping my hands once, "I will take care of this. Please see if Ciel and Lizzy need help with the children."

"Ok!" Finny exclaimed. I quickly built a new arch, put new roses on it, fixed up the cherry blossoms, and tidied up a bit. After that I went to check on the other servants.

"Mey-rin, are the invitations ready?" I asked, scared to hear the answer.

"Yes Mr. Sebastian," she said. I checked each card and envelope and saw that for once, Mey-rin didn't screw up.

"Good job," I said. She beamed at that remark. I then walked into the kitchen. When I walked in Baldroy had what looked like a...

"Baldroy stop!" I yelled.

"Huh?" he said, stopping what he was doing.

"Baldroy," I said, gripping my nose bridge with my thumb and forefinger, "How many times do I have to tell you that a blow torch is not a freakin' kitchen tool!" I said raising my voice.

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