The Battle Begins

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Sebastian Michaelis

  Ciel looked peaceful as he was sleeping. He was obviously exhausted from getting up in the middle I the night after being injured so badly. The move into my family's mansion didn't help much either. My mother and sister wanted to keep a close eye on Ciel and I. I looked around the room we were in when it got me. This was the room I was in those many years ago when that bastard betrayed us. I tried to calm myself down when my mother and Katherine came bursting into the room. Ciel jolted awake and the children started crying.
"Katherine what the hell-" I started.
"We can argue later Sebastian. We need to get Ciel and the children out of here. He's coming."
  I stopped breathing. This couldn't be happening again. I snapped out of my state of shock and gathered both children in my arms. I started to grab for Ciel when he stopped me.
"No! I'm not going anywhere!" He yelled.
"Ciel, I need to get you and the children to safety," I said gently.
"You can take the children, but I'm not leaving your side."
"Ciel, you need to go w-"
"No Sebastian. Do you not remember my vow at the wedding? I said I would stay by your side forever. This is one part of forever and I am not about to break that vow. I am not leaving you and that's that. If we die, we die together got it?!"
"Ciel," I stated on shock.
"Dammit Sebastian! At least get the children out! Lady Elizabeth is waiting at the other end of the portal to collect them. Please hurry!" Katherine shrieked.
"Right!" I yelled. Ciel and I kissed the top of their heads and sent them through the portal to the safety of Lady Elizabeth.
Ciel Phantomhive
  After we sent the children to Lady Elizabeth, Sebastian and I ran hand in hand to the outside of the mansion. The sky was dark and gloomy. Lucifer was standing with a few troops around him. Sebastian and I made our way towards him.
"Uncle!" Sebastian exclaimed.
"Sebastian aaaaand Ciel? I thought you were leaving with the children," Lucifer said confused.
"Like I told Sebastian, I don't plan on breaking my vow," I replied.
"Oh Ciel, you really are a good match for our dear Sebs."
"That's enough uncle. What does the situation look like?" Sebastian asked.
"Not good. Aidan and Anthony are leading at least 150 traitors. We have 300 men, but I wouldn't underestimate Aidan."
"I agree," Sebastian said. I nodded in agreement.
"Sebs, here is the plan, now that Ciel is here it makes it easier. You two will engage Anthony. I feel better with both of you on him. I will engage Aidan with a few of my strongest men. My other troops will engage the 150 traitors they have brought with them. Does that sound okay?"
"Yes uncle. Especially the part where I get to take out that bastard with my love," Sebastian said.
"Ha I thought that would be your favorite part," Lucifer chuckled.
"That bastard needs to pay for hurting my Ciel!" I put my hand on his shoulder to show him that I will be with him the whole time. He gave me a sad smile. We linked our hands together and went into our demon forms. Sebastian was beautiful. He had thick, black raven wings like mine, spiky boots, and a black tail that came out at a point. At the top of his head there were tiny horns.
While we were waiting for our orders to fight, Sebastian started playing with my cat ears.
"What are you doing? Stop! That tickles!" I exclaimed.
"Is that so?" Sebastian smirked. He started tickling my ears making me lose my balance from laughing. He caught me and lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. He leaned down to kiss me, but the horn signaling battle started blaring throughout the field. Sebastian put me back on my feet and linked our hands together. I squeezed his hand reassuring him. He squeezed back with a determined look on his face.
Sebastian Michaelis
In the distance I saw Aidan and Anthony heading our way with the 150 traitors trailing behind them. My uncle gave the signal for his troops to engage the traitors. Ciel and I stayed by my uncle's side waiting for him to release us to fight Anthony.
"Ciel, Sebastian, please e careful. You are both too precious to me for you to die."
"Same goes for you uncle," Ciel said. I nodded in agreement.
"Oh Ciel! You finally called me uncle!" Our uncle exclaimed picking Ciel up in a crushing hug. He has been trying to get Ciel to call him uncle for a while now.
"Uncle this isn't the time!" I exclaimed.
"Right!" He said putting Ciel down. "After my troops get to the traitors, you and Ciel will wait her with me until Aidan and Anthony approach. I will pull Aidan aside an fight him away from your fight with Anthony. We will have a better chance if we separate those two."
"Right. Uncle, please don't overdo it," I said with true concern.
"Don't worry Sebs, I will be careful." Ciel took his hand, that wasn't holding mine, and placed it on my arm. I kissed the top of his head to comfort both of us. After a few minutes, Aidan and Anthony approached us with sneers. My uncle walked in front I Ciel and I, glaring at the two bastards.
"It's been a long time brother," Aidan sneered.
"Yes it has, an I would like to note that it has been very pleasant up until now."
"So cruel," Aidan said feigning sadness, "what have I ever done to you?"
"Oh I don't know. How about the fact that you killed my son, betrayed our family, hurt Sebastian an his lover, and now you are here to try and kill me."
"Oh brother, I haven't come to try and kill you, I have come to kill you!" Aidan exclaimed.
"Ha! We'll see about that!" That is when he fight began. My uncle lunges at Aidan, showing no mercy. He tore into Aidan's chest causing him to take a step back. Aidan looked down at his chest as it was healing.
"Ouch that-" Aidan didn't get to finish before uncle lunged at him again. He dragged Aidan across the field until they were out of sight. My focus then turned to Anthony.
"Hello again brother," Anthony sneered. I growled at him.
"Cut the shit Anthony! We are not here for small talk!" I yelled.
"You are so right. We aren't," Anthony said lignin towards Ciel and I. We jumped into he air and flew over Anthony who fell flat on his face. He got up and snarled at us. Before I could react, Anthony sprung up into the air and knocked me to the ground. He landed on too of me and started punching me. I fought back with all of my strength. I dug into his back with my claws causing him to howl out in pain. He did not let me go though. He got my chest until I felt my ribs crack. I screamed from the onrush of pain. Black spots danced in my vision. Anthony was laughing above me. He was about to finish me off when he fell off of me and started screaming. He held his head in his hands writhing in pain. I looked over at Ciel. His eyes were full out demon and intently staring at Anthony. He was sending pain waves towards Anthony rendering him immobile. I took this opportunity my love has given me and pulled Anthony's head off, tore out his heart, and broke every bone in his body for good measure. I know I went overboard, but I didn't care. Ciel broke his contact with Anthony and staggered. I caught him in my arms and hugged him close to me.
"You know, not even our uncle can do that?" I told Ciel.
"What?! It just came to me! I didn't-" I stopped him mid sentence with a kiss.
"I always knew you were special." Ciel smiled up at me. Together we watched Anthony's body disenegrate. After a few seconds his demonic aura disappeared.
"No!" We heard Aidan scream. We heard a loud explosion and uncle screaming in pain.
"Uncle!" I screamed. Before I could react, Ciel was ripped away from me and thrown a few feet away.
"Ciel!" I yelled. I tried to run to him, but I was frozen in my tracks. What? No! How is this possible? In my line of vision I saw my cousin who was supposed to be dead.
"Hello Xander, did you miss me?"
"Jackson? How the hell are you alive?!" I exclaimed.
"That's simple. I was never dead to begin with."
"You... What?"
"Psyche!" Suddenly, Jackson turned back to his true form. Aidan. How was that... Wait. Did he steal Jackson's powers the day he murdered him? Aidan acted like he was about to lunge for me. I readied myself for his attack, but I was not ready for him to change course and run towards Ciel. He snatched Ciel up by his neck causing him to choke.
"Ciel no!" I screamed. Aidan was still using Jackson's power to glue me to my spot. I couldn't reach him.
"Your power will make a nice addition to my collection. I never expected you, a former human, to manifest this kind of power. It is a rare power indeed." Aidan squeezed Ciel harder while we struggled to break free.
Ciel Phantomhive
Aidan clamped down on my throat harder. I was struggling to breathe. I attempted to use my power against him, but he managed to throw it back at me. I tried to scream, but his hand on my throat stopped me. Tears streamed down my face. Aidan was laughing like a maniac. It's over. Sebastian, I'm so sorry! I closed my eyes and accepted my death. Suddenly, Aidan released me and howled in pain. I fell to the ground and blacked out with the image of a pissed off Katherine and a fuming Loretta.
A/n weeeelllll I haven't updated in a while... I'm so sorry guys!!! I have been so freaking lazy and sick lately. The other chapters are already written in my notebook so I will try to update as soon as possible. Love you guys!!!! Oh and the pic above is Anthony and Aidan lol and is it just me or does Aidan look like a fuckboy?? XD

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