The Master and His Demon

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This is my first attempt at butler yaoi. please comment and tell me if you want more.
Ciel Phantomhive

  "My lord, would you like your tea in here or in your study?" my demon butler Sebastian Michaelis asked.

  "Hmm, oh um in my study I suppose" I replied

  "As you wish my lord" he said

  God I loved it when he called me that. I would never tell him this, but I think I am in love with the man. Every time he calls me master or my lord it just sets off a load of good feelings inside of me. I haven't had these kind of feelings since my parents were murdered.

  I never thought when I summoned this don that I would fall in love with him. Love? What a strange and unnecessary word. I shouldn't be feeling this for Sebastian. These kind of feelings should be saved for my betrothed, Lady Elizabeth. But God she is annoying!

  She cries constantly and always shakes me around like a rag doll. I am never happy around her. I don't feel as happy around her as I do with Sebastian. I am Ciel Phantomhive, head of the Phantomhive manor, I should not be feeling live towards a demon of all

Sebastian Michaelis

  "Your tea my lord" I said as I handed my master's tea to him.

  "Uh, thank you Sebastian" Ciel replied

  I love the way he says my name. It's so sexy. I would never tell him this. If I shamed my master then what kind of butler would I be? My master did not summon me here to put shame to him and his family name. No I would just give the master his tea and do whatever he asked of me. That is what one hell of a butler would do.

  "Sebastian, what is my schedule for today"

  "Well master, today you are helping the queen prepare the city for the big storm that's coming our way."

  "Hmm is that all?"

  "Yes my lord"

  "Very well. Let's get this day over with"

  "Indeed my lord"

   I love it when my master was in a hurry it was kind of cute. Not that I would tell him that.

Ciel Phantomhive

  I thought the day would never end. Helping the townspeople prepare for a storm was not how I wanted to spend my day. But it was ordered by the queen, so I had to do it. Having Sebastian on my side made it easier. Everything is easier with Sebastian around. I was daydreaming in my carriage when Sebastian's voice broke me out of my haze.

  "my lord, we are home"

  Dinner went by in a blur. It was delicious as usual. I was in my study, getting ready to retire, when the thunder started. It was so loud I jumped right out of my chair, and onto the floor. Sebastian was at my side in an instant.

  "Master are you ok?"

  "I-I think so" I said

  Sebastian's strong arms were around me. I couldn't breathe. My whole body was still, and all I could do was stare into his beautiful red eyes.

  "Master are you sure you're okay?" he asked, concern clear in his voice.

  "yeah, um Sebastian can I ask you something?"

  "Anything my lord"

  "If I asked you to do something would you have to do it even if it made you uncomfortable?"


  "If I ask something that makes you too uncomfortable would you hate me?"

  "No my lord I would never hate you no matter what you did. What do you want?"

  "Sebastian I want you to kiss me!" I blurted

  "Can you repeat that master?"

  "Kiss me Sebastian, I mean if it is too much to ask you don't have to..." I didn't get to finish before his lips crushed into mine.

Sebastian Michaelis

  He asked me to kiss him! I thought this day would never come. I didn't hesitate any longer to put my lips to his. Passion drove through me like a hurricane. I have never wanted anything this much in all my life. The kiss deepened and kept getting deeper.

  "Oh Sebastian" Ciel groaned into my mouth. "You were holding back on me."

  "As were you master" I replied.

  "Mmm" he replied "Sebastian do think we could..."

  He didn't have to say another word. I knew what we both wanted. I picked up his small body and carried him towards his room, never breaking the kiss. When we arrived at his room I practically ran in and slammed the door. Just to be safe I turned the lock. Don't want any of those idiotic servants bursting in here.

  I carried my master to the bed and almost threw him into it. As soon as we were both on (I on top and Ciel on the bottom) everything went to a whole new level. First Ciel took off my suit jacket and threw it across the room. I did the same to him. Next came my shirt then my trousers. The same with Ciel. Soon there was nothing between me and my master except for our skin.

Ciel Phantomhive

  You never know how much you love someone until you're in bed with them, naked, and kissing passionately. I never knew Sebastian could be so rough with me. I loved it.

  The kiss kept deepening, and my tongue found its way into Sebastian's mouth. God he tasted so damn good. Sebastian's hands kept caressing my body like I was the most precious thing in the world to him.

  He was kissing his way down my body until his mouth found my shaft. I groaned. He just felt so good. His eyes looked up to me, asking my permission to take things further. I nodded my okay and things just got better and better.

Sebastian Michaelis
  "I'm not hurting you am I master?"

  "No don't stop."

  I never thought my master would ever love me as much as I loved him, but I know differently now. He has never put as much effort into anything as he is right now. I never wanted it to end. Neither of us could here the storm outside. It was as if we were the only things in the world. But like all good things, it was over too soon.

Ciel Phantomhive
  I woke up under the sheets, with Sebastian, naked as I was, right by my side. His arms were wrapped around me, as if protecting me from the outside world. I never felt anything like I was feeling right at that moment. Sebastian opened his eyes and smiled at me.

  "Good morning master" he said, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. And a good morning it was.

Sebastian Michaelis
  I gathered my clothes from the floor and started my usual morning duties. I was serving my master's breakfast when the rest of the servants came rushing in.

  "Where were you last night Sebastian, we were looking all over for you?" Finny asked

  "I was around, taking care of things that needed taking care of" I replied.

  "Oh um ok" Finny said, no more questions asked.

  I walked around to pour my master's tea. When I approached him I leaned forward and whispered in Ciel's ear.

  "We should do that more often my lord"

  "indeed" he replied with a smile.

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