Chapter 2

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"Whoa, that's really good." Xiaojun said as he passed the headphones back to Xia.

The two were in the school cafeteria, sitting at their usual table with their laptops opened, showing each other what they had been working on overnight.

Xiaojun was a year older than Xia, another music major. They had met when Xiaojun heard her playing her beats in one of the recording studios and couldn't help but peek in to tell her how how good it sounded. They became friends not long after, sharing similar tastes in music.

Xiaojun was a good music student, quite popular too. He reminded Xia of Kun when he was young.

Kun was one of their college's brightest music students, known to many producers outside of the school. He worked on many projects, which is why he always came home late, which Xia didn't mind one bit.

Xiaojun also worked under Kun a few times for a few projects, so the two were comfortable with one another, often discussing music together as well. Xiaojun was much more open-minded though and Xia wished that Kun could learn from him.

"Thanks." Xia said as she took the headphones from Xiaojun's hands, placing them on the table. "If only my parents and brother thought so."

"Eh, they're come around eventually." Xiaojun reassured her with a smile. "The world is changing, including the music one. Kun-ge has to know that if he's working on entering it."

"Doesn't seem like it." Xia said with a deep sigh as she looked at the composition on her laptop.

"You don't like it, do you?" Xiaojun asked, motioning to the track. Xia shook her head.

"Something's missing, I just don't know what." Xia said, pouting as she stared at the screen. She caught a glimpse of the time in the corner, knowing that Xiaojun had class soon.

"I'm sure you'll find it eventually." Xiaojun said, giving her a pat before standing up. "Want me to wait for you after class?"

"Yes please." Xia said, giving her friend a wave. "Gege is going straight home today so I need an excuse to not practice piano."

Xiaojun chuckled at her comment, swinging his bag over his shoulder. "I don't know why you find hanging out at my workplace better than being at home."

"That's because I can work on this there." Xia said, before giving Xiaojun a light shove. "Now go to class before you're late."

Xiaojun gave her a wave before leaving, letting the girl continue working on her composition.

What to change?

Xia was beginning to get frustrated as she kept changing parts but nothing seemed to work. It only got worse when the cafeteria became louder, the chatter bleeding through her headphones.

They're here.

Xia didn't even need to turn around to know that the dance majors had been dismissed. They were the loudest group of students, their dance music blasting through their speakers as they roamed the halls, bouncing to the beat of the song.

It wasn't the music that bothered Xia, most of it being similar to what she listened to. What bothered her was the fact that they had the need to talk over their music, loud enough so that their voices filled whatever space they were in.

At least I have class soon, Xia sighed as she closed her laptop, packing up. She rested her headphones around her neck, making her way to the exit of the cafeteria.

It wasn't as smooth as she hoped though, one of the dance boys bumping into her as he showed his friends some random dance moves.

"Whoops, sorry!" The male said, flashing her a bright, gummy smile. He was tall and skinny, and Xia had saw him in a few of her classes before, meaning that he was probably a double major in her year.

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