Chapter 19

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After the kiss, Xia found herself leaning her head onto Yangyang's chest as he held her, feeling her cheeks heat up. She couldn't help but smile as she heart how fast Yangyang's heart was beating, glad to know she wasn't the only one feeling this late.

"It's getting late, I should probably-"

"Stay." Xia said, lifting her head to look at the male. "You should stay."

"You want me to sleep on this uncomfortable couch?" Yangyang asked, raising an eyebrow. This made Xia even more embarassed.

"No, you should.. Um.."

Yangyang chuckled at her flustered state, pressing a soft kiss onto the top of her head. "I'm joking Xia. I'll stay, I just need you to get off me."

Xia felt dumber by the second as she got up, turning away.

"You can use the bathroom is in my room to wash up first, which is that door. I'll get you some of my brother's clothes and then I'll be back." Xia said, immediately scurrying to her brother's room to get some pyjamas for Yangyang.

When Xia entered her room, she saw Yangyang sitting on her bed, a black hoodie in his lap.

His hoodie.

"Here." Yangyang said, passing it to her as he exchanged it for the sweater and sweatpants she had stolen from Kun's room.

"For me?" Xia asked, confused. Yangyang nodded, standing up and heading to the bathroom.

"Yeah, you like hoodies, don't you?" Yangyang said, giving her a smirk before closing the bathroom door.

"This boy." Xia mumbled with a smile as she took in the Yangyang's scent from his hoodie. She shook her head as she made her way to her closet to grab a pair of shorts to go with the new addition to her wardrobe.


Cute, Yangyang thought he placed his phone down, watching from Xia's bed as the girl placed her dirty clothes in her laundry before slipping into the bed beside him. Very cute.

The whole night was becoming more and more surreal as he made eye contact with Xia, who didn't seem too pleased with the smile on his face.

"What? Do I look weird in this?" Xia asked as she adjusted his hoodie that she was wearing.

Yangyang immediately shook his head. "No, you look good. Have some confidence."

That didn't seem to be right as Xia stopped fidgeting but got comfortable in the bed, staring back at him. "Then why are you looking at me like that?"

"So I can kiss you but I can't look at you?" Yangyang joked, earning a few light smacks from the girl.

"Ya, Liu Yangyang! I swear I'm going to-"

Yangyang grabbed the girl's wrist, making her stop hitting him. "You're going to what?"

Xia huffed, removing her arm from Yangyang's grip before turning around so her back was facing him. "Ah, you're so annoying. I should have just let you gone home."

Yangyang honestly found the whole situation amusing, adjusting the covers. He couldn't help but smirk to himself as he moved closer to Xia before sliding his arms around her in a backhug.

"You wouldn't be able to have this if I went home." Yangyang said, resting his head on her shoulder. He heard Xia mumbled a few curses before turning around to face him, signalling that Yangyang had won.

"I hate you, I hope you know that." Xia said, giving his nose a tap.

Maybe it was the confidence boost from the kiss or the how much Yangyang liked seeing Xia in his sweater but his next words were not something Yangyang had expected himself to say so quickly.

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