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Life is about the thrill. And there's nothing more thilling than speeding down the streets at night, cheering as you pass your opponent's car in a flash.

At least that's what the Yangyang's geges always told him.

Ever since he was little, Yangyang was always intrigued by cars, the beautiful machines that were built to help people travel.

At first it was just the roaring of the engine that excited Yangyang.

Whoa, Yangyang thought as he sat in the back seat, the sound of his father starting the car engine sending shivers down his back. What was that?

Since it would take a long time until Yangyang could learn how to drive, he drove with his minicars instead, collecting them.

"What do you want for Christmas this year?" His mother asked even though she knew the answer.

"A car!" Yangyang cried out, flashing his mother his big smile.

Yangyang soon learned that it was more than just cars.

Yangyang was about five years old, walking hand in hand with his mother and father down the streets of Taiwan. They were enjoying a night market, looking for street food.

That's when two cars suddenly zoomed by, scaring the citizens as they held onto each other for dear life.

Yangyang's parents instantly held the young boy tightly, trying to protect them from the street racers. But Yangyang didn't want that.

He wanted to see what had just happened.

The strong gust of wind and roaring of the engines had only intrigued Yangyang, as he tried to push his parents away to get a good glimpse of the tire marks the cars had left.

"Street racing is dangerous." His father had told him. "I don't get why young people do it. It's not worth it."

Yangyang simply nodded his head, agreeing with his father's words but even when he was enjoying the street food under the city lights, he couldn't get the sound of the cars out of his mind.

That's when Yangyang first realized his love for racing.

When his family moved to Germany, it was like a dream come true for Yangyang. Germany was home to many famous cars, and Yangyang did all that he could to research them.

Yangyang watched every race with his friends, the boys discussing who their favourite racers were.

"It has to be Michael Schumacher!" Yangyang told the boys surrounding the television with him. "He's so good, no one is better than him!"

When his parents weren't around, Yangyang secretly watched videos of the famous German racer, inspired by his skill with cars.

Even though the injuries and accident scared his parents to death, without a doubt, Yangyang knew that racing was exactly what he wanted to do.

Yangyang got into street racing when he snuck out with friends at night, going to car meets to meet other car enthusiasts.

"Oh my gosh, is that a M165?!" Yangyang exclaimed as he peered into the hood of the black Mercedes parked in the middle of the lot, staring at the engine.

"It sure is." The owner of the car chuckled, entertained by Yangyang enthusiasm. "Has an output up to-"

"518 horsepower." Yangyang finished, a wide grin on his face. "Absoultely mind-blowing, how do they even make engines like that?"

Through these meets, Yangyang soon learned that Neo City was known to have the best street racing scene. It didn't take long for the male to ensure that his path would lead him right to the city.

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