Chapter 18

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"Renjun?" The three of them exclaimed.

Yangyang was slightly surprised to see Renjun there, wearing a leather jacket as he approached them with his hands in his pockets.

Yangyang could have sworn he had seen Renjun at the club but was too focused on Xia and dancing with her to really look into it. But now that Renjun was there, he was certain that it had been him.

Yangyang had so many questions on his mind, like how Xia knew Renjun and how Renjun knew they were there but most important thing right now was the fact that such a small weaponless boy like Renjun could intimidate such a big guy with a knife.

"So are you going to leave or do I need to send your head as a gift to your boss in jail?" Renjun asked, slightly tilting his head.

"I hate you, I hate you so much." The man mumbled, giving Yangyang a glance before turning back to Renjun.

Renjun raised an eyebrow and with a deep sigh, the man turned around and left.

Once he was gone, the attention turned to the male in the leather jacket, hands still in his pockets as he stared in the direction the man left in.

"Let's get going before he comes back with some of his friends."


Xia and Yangyang had quietly followed Renjun to his car, where another male was sitting there on his phone. She noticed Yangyang's eyes linger on the other male, who visibly older than all of them but looked younger than Kun.

"Get in, I'll drive you to wherever you two need to go." Renjun said, opening the back door for them.

Xia was hesistant but Yangyang nodded his head, so she entered the car anyways, Yangyang following.

"Hi Yangyang." The older male said, taking Xia by surprise.

So Yangyang knows both of them.

"Hello." Yangyang replied quietky, his voice lacking emotion as he stared at the back of the driver's seat, arms crossed. A moment Renjun got into the driver's seat, starting the engine.

"Where are you two heading?" Renjun asked but Yangyang didn't seem amused.

"Why are you two following me?" Yangyang demanded instead of answering. Xia bit her lip as Renjun sighed deeply.

"We'll talk about this another day. Winwin and I have lots to do so just tell me where to go and we can meeting some other time."

"I'm not-" Xia cut Yangyang off, telling Renjun her address. Renjun thanked her before driving but Yangyang was clearly not happy as he shot her a glare.

"He saved our lives, just let it go." Xia whispered to the male beside her before reaching out, giving his hand a squeeze. "Please?"

"Alright." Yangyang mumbled, staring at their laced fingers.

The rest of the car ride was silent and soon they were at Xia's apartment. They thanked Renjun and his friend, who Xia assumed was named Winwin, before heading up.

The tension was thick as they entered Xia's apartment, neither of them saying a word to each other since the car ride. Xia took a deep breath, knowing that it was probably better to be the bigger person as she turned around to face the male with her.

"Water?" Xia offered as Yangyang stared back at her.

"It's fine, I should get going." Yangyang said, breaking eye contact and heading towards the couch but Xia stopped him.

"Don't." Xia begged quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. "Stay. For a bit, at least. It's not that late, I know you sleep a lot later than this."

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