Chapter 8

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"That's Hendery and this is Ten." Yangyang said, introducing Xia to his friends with a big smile on his face like usual. "Ten's going to be the one driving us to your place."

Xia tried to force one on her face as well as she waved at the two males, but a part of her was mortified to death.

Street racing was dangerous, very dangerous. There were always car crashes on the news and she was told that sometimes, mafias got involved. It was definitely a scene that Xia avoided, one of the few things that she agreed with Kun about.

There's no way... Is Yangyang one of them too? But to Xia, Yangyang seemed like such an innocent and happy boy, that the thought just didn't seem right to her.

"Hop in." Yangyang said, opening the back door of Ten's car for her.

Yeah, there's no way this kid is a street racer.

"Thanks." Xia said before sliding into the car. Maybe I'm just overthinking things.

"I'm assuming you live with your brother." Ten said from the driver's seat as Yangyang made his way around the car to sit beside him.

"Yes, I do." Xia said, wondering how Ten knew her brother and where they lived.

"Seatbelts on?" Ten asked, Xia nodding her head.

"Yes, mother." Yangyang said, rolling his eyes as Ten started the engine.

To her surprise, Ten drove well, obeying by the laws despite the impression his car gave her. They were soon outside of her apartment building, Hendery's car right behind them.

"You coming?" Yangyang asked Ten as he undid his seatbelt but Ten shook his head.

"Go without me."

"You're coming?" Xia asked as Yangyang opened the door for her, helping her out of the car with a hand.

"Yeah, after that phone call, I probably should." Yangyang said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Not a bad idea." Xia replied, guiding Yangyang into the building.

As they waited in the elevator, Xia heard Yangyang humming to himself, fiddling with his phone.

"Here." Yangyang said, passing his phone to her. Xia saw that he had a new contact page opened.

"You want my number?" Xia asked, taking the phone in her hands.

"Yeah, so anytime you're in a fight with your friend and want some street food, you can just shoot me a message." Yangyang said with a shy smiled.

Xia couldn't help but giggle as she took his phone, putting her number in before passing it back. "Not a bad idea."

Yangyang seemed satisfied as he stole a glance at his phone before slipping it into his pocket just as the elevator doors opened.

They stepped out, heading to the Qian siblings' apartment. The second Xia opened, the door, Kun was right there, and he wasn't very happy.

"Yah, Qian Xia! I swear, where in the-"

"Hey." Yangyang said from over Xia's shoulder, giving Kun a wave. "I'm Yangyang, the guy you talked to on the phone."

Xia tried not to laugh as Kun's face changed, immediately giving Yangyang a fake smile. "Right."

"Well anyways, Xia's here in one piece like I promised." Yangyang said, patting Xia's shoulder. "So cut your sister some slack, she's a full grown adult."

Xia heard Kun mumble something to himself before meeting Xia's eyes. "We'll talk later."

Yangyang and Xia both giggled the second Kun was out of earshot, relief filling Xia's body.

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