Chapter 25

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Yangyang's heart was thumping rapidly as he sat there with Xia, his arm holding the blanket around her. He had always wanted to go stargazing here on the country roads, but Hendery and Ten were always so adament on training that he never really had the time.

He could tell Xia was enjoying it though as her head rested on his shoulder, mumbling about how amazing this all was. It made him happy, knowing that such a simple thing could please the girl he was so attracted to.

There were so many shooting stars that night, and Xia gasped at each one. Without the city lights, they were able to see the sky very clearly.

Suddenly, Yangyang saw something burn up as it flew across the sky before disappearing and wondered if Xia had seen it too. He got his answer very soon.

"Yangyang." Xia said, tugging on his sleeve. "Was that what I thought it was?"

Yangyang nodded, smiling as he turned towards the girl. "Yes Xia, that was a comet."

Xia turned her head too, eyes widening as she realized how close their faces were. Yangyang could hear every breath that escape Xia's lips and was sure she could hear the same from him.

As if he was in a trance, Yangyang brought his hand up to Xia's face, pulling her closer to him for a kiss.

Yangyang was certain that he felt something for Xia, something more than just attraction. Every part of him wanted to protect the girl from the coldness of the world and shower her with happiness.

Yangyang was surprised when Xia held his face in her hands, resting her forehead on his after they parted, both out of breath from the kiss.

"Yangyang?" Xia whispered softly, still looking into his eyes.


"I think I really really like you. Like I want to be your girlfriend. Officially." Xia said. Yangyang smiled as he felt his whole body shiver from the goosebumps those words gave him.

"Good." Yangyang responded, his voice as soft as hers.

"Because I want to officially be your boyfriend too."


Xia hated mornings. They were terrible and was only a sign that she was about to begin another day of school. But when she woke up next to Yangyang that morning, she couldn't help but smile as she stared at the sleeping male beside her.

The two of them had returned early that morning, even though Yangyang had sped through the country streets. It was still hard to believe that they were dating officially now, after solidifying their feelings for each other that night.

Xia raised her hand, brushing Yangyang's hair out of his face before tracing his jawline. He was hugging tightly onto one of his stuffed animals, and Xia couldn't help but think about how handsome yet cute he looked at the same time.

Yangyang began to shift so Xia removed her hand, hugging onto the blanket as his eyes fluttered opened.

"Mmm, what time is it?" Yangyang mumbled as he turned around to grab his phone.

"Too early to get up." Xia whispered as she wrapped her arms around him, burying her head into the back of his shoulder.

Yangyang chuckled, placing his phone back down before turning around to face her. "How long have you been awake for?"

"Not long." Xia admitted. "But even if I had been awake for a while, I wouldn't wake you up until it was time to get going. You looked too peaceful sleeping."

"Ew, so cheesy." Yangyang said as his face wrinkled in disgust, pinching Xia's cheeks. She giggled, and Yangyang's face changed as he leaned for a quick peck.

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