Chapter 3

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Xia was glad that class was finally over, quickly packing up her stuff to meet Xiaojun who was waiting in the hallway, scrolling through his phone as he leaned against the wall.

"Jun!" Xia called, making heads turn while Xiaojun looked up, giving her a smile before sliding his phone in his pocket.

Xiaojun was not only known for his skills in the music department, but also for his looks as well. He always had the attention of the girls in their program, even asked out by a few of the seniors.

For some reason though, he always rejected them which confused Xia. Xiaojun would reply with a chuckle, saying that he didn't have enough time to date.

Fair, which his passion for music and his part time job, he already has his hands full.

"I still don't understand why you like the grimy garage over your state of the art composer setup at home." Xiaojun said as the two of them walked down the halls, making their way to the parking lot where Xiaojun's car was.

"I told you, I need to work on my beats and I can't do that at home with Kun-ge there! How am I supposed to be a DJ if all I ever do is follow whatever my brother's doing?"

"Okay, grumpy, I get it." Xiaojun said, ruffling Xia's hair. The action made him earn a glare from the girl, and Xiaojun just flashed a bright smile in response.

Xiaojun had a Hyundai Elanta, a very basic car but visually pleasing on the outside. It definitely wasn't as nice as some of the cars seen in their school, but according to Xiaojun, did what it needed to do for a cheap price.

As Xia opened the door to the passenger seat, slipping in, the two of them heard the roar of engines and cars speeding down the roads of Neo City.

"A little early for a race, don't you think?" Xiaojun commented as they got settled, the male starting the engine.

Xia shrugged her shoulders, looking out the window. Everyone knew that Neo City was home to many street racers and she often heard them at night when she left her window open. At this point, she firmly believed that the police had given up on chasing them.

Probably causes them more work to interfere than to ignore them.

"I wouldn't know."

"Still can't figure out what went wrong with your music?" Xiaojun asked, sensing that Xia was still off.

"Nope." Xia confessed with a deep sigh. "I tried everything."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it eventually." Xiaojun reassured her as he drove.

"Maybe." Xia said, not exactly very convinced herself.


Taking Hendery's car for a ride was definitely what Yangyang needed as he returned to school with a wide smile on his face, still feeling the thrill of speeding down small roads, avoiding the typical spots where police were stationed.

Yangyang was making his way to his next class when another student approached him, one that was in his year and major.

"Hey Yangyang, what are you doing tonight?" The male asked him as he caught up to Yangyang, the two now walking side by side. "Want to come drinking with some of us?"

As much as Yangyang wanted to, he already had another commitment for the night.

Ten's race.

"I'm so sorry, but I can't." Yangyang told him. "Some other time?"

"Aw, you're always busy." The male replied, before giving him a light shove. "Yah, are you seeing a girl?"

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