Chapter 23

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According to Yangyang, a car meet didn't actually involve racing but was more like a big car party. It was where racers would show off their cars in a public space, like a parking lot, letting others observe as they walked by. They were apparently pretty fun, especially the nicer ones, as they had music blasting and sometimes served drinks, racers spending the night socializing with one another.

Yangyang had let Xia borrow one of his leather jackets that she threw over her black t-shirt and ripped jeans, hoping that it would help her fit in better. The male himself was wearing a black denim jacket and white graphic tee with black jeans and nice shoes.

Speaking of shoes, it seemed like Yangyang also had this habit of collecting nice shoes, one of the wardrobes near the door being full of them. Hendery let out a tsk as Xia giggled, the two of them watching as Yangyang took his sweet time picking which pair to wear.

They had eventually made it to the parking lot though, which was already full of cars and people. Hendery parked his car in a vacant spot, and Yangyang helped her out of his car.

"Whoa." Xia said as she got out, finally able to take in the sight around her.

Not only was the DJ pretty good, but there were coloured lights everywhere, cars with their hoods opened as people peered in, staring at the engines while owners of the cars stood confidently. It was clear that the racing community in Neo City was huge, and she was now about to become a part of it.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Yangyang said as he took her hand while Hendery was already talking to other people.

"Very." Xia said, smiling at Yangyang.

Yangyang led her down the row of cars, explaining different parts to her for each one.

"This is a Ford Mustang, pretty popular on the streets. It's been modified though, so you can see here that the cold air intake was upgraded, so was the exhaust system. If you look inside the car, a lot of the weight was cut down by getting rid of useless things." Yangyang explained.

"You want your car to be light to go faster, right?" Xia asked, staring at Yangyang's side profile as he stared at the engine in awe.

"Exactly." Yangyang said, turning his head to give Xia a smile. "You're a fast learner, aren't you?"

"Only because I have a good teacher." Xia replied, sticking her tongue out before grabbing Yangyang's arm.

They continued looking at different cars, Xia being impressed by how much Yangyang knew about each one of them. He was also very sociable with the owners of the cars, making good conversation. The owners also seemed very nice and welcoming, a pleasant surprise for the girl.

Even though Xia has almost no idea what they were talking about, it was so obvious that Yangyang was in his own element here. Xia couldn't believe that this had almost been a kept a secret away from her and that she had been so quick to judge.

"Do you have any plans on getting your own car?" Xia asked as they walked, deciding to take a break from all the talking. "Like once you get the money for one."

"I actually have the money already." Yangyang admitted. "I won Renjun in a race, so now all I have to do is buy it."

"What's stopping you then?" Xia asked, eager to hear what Yangyang had to say.

"I'm just worried that I won't like it." Yangyang told her. "I've always wanted the same car ever since I was a kid, but that was before I actually knew how to drive."

"You know so much about cars now, if you still want the same car, it's probably a good one." Xia said before giving Yangyang's cheek a poke. "Have some confidence."

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