Chapter 9

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Kun didn't seem too mad, Yangyang's words probably helping. She was still avoiding Xiaojun, not really knowing what to say to her friend at times like this.

Since Xia couldn't let herself be in the cafeteria, she hid in one of the recording studios of the college, spending her day there instead. It wasn't Xia's first choice as Kun was normally in one nearby, but it was a risk she was willing to make today.

Xia sighed as she pulled up the composition she had originally gave up on, the thought of leaving it like that bothering her

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Xia sighed as she pulled up the composition she had originally gave up on, the thought of leaving it like that bothering her.

I mean if I'm going to waste a day in here, I might as well waste it on this piece.


Yangyang had to admit, he was exhausted from staying up late and from his morning dance class, wanting to take a nap. He had another class later and Hendery's schedule didn't allow him to go home, so unless he wanted to bus, he was stuck.

He let out a yawn as his friends ate their lunch, talking about the performance they were working on. It didn't seem like anything big, so Yangyang couldn't be bothered enough to remember what it was exactly.

I just want to race but until Ten gets that schedule, we're stuck.

Yangyang took his phone out, already done eating. He caught sight of Xia's contact, and couldn't help but look around, seeing if he can spot the girl.

"Looking for someone?" Ten asked, noticing Yangyang's actions.

"Hm." Yangyang thought for a moment before answering, knowing that he'll never hear the end of it if he admitted that he was looking for Xia. "Hey Hendery, do you know a guy named Xiaojun in our year?"

Hendery looked up at the question, his mouth still full. "The popular music student? He's the one sitting at the table alone behind you."

Yangyang followed where Hendery's finger and sure enough, there was a male sitting at a table all by himself.

I guess he's still in a fight with Xia.

"Thanks, gege. I'll see you two later." Yangyang said, standing up and swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Wait, where are you going?" Ten called out but Yangyang was already out the door.


Hey, it's Yangyang! Where are you right now?


Xia was surprised when the door to the recording studio opened and Yangyang stepped in, two cans of cola in his hands. She immediately paused her track.

How did he get here so fast? I just messaged him back a few minutes ago.

"Here." Yangyang said, passing her one of the cans with a smile. "You weren't in the cafeteria."

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