Chapter 11

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Yangyang groaned as he pulled at his roots, his face in his dinning table.

"At least you promised him you would pay for the damage." Hendery said as he set down the plate of buns on the table for the two of them to eat before class. "And take the car to get fixed."

"I don't even know where to go." Yangyang sighed as he lifted his head, his hand supporting it as he plucked a bun from the plate. "Not to mention that all the money I saved up for my own car is now going to fix Ten's."

"Yo, watch out it's-"

Yangyang immediately dropped the bun as his fingers burned from how hot it was. The bun landed on the table before rolling onto the ground. Yangyang threw his head bad, frustrated sounds escaping his lips.

"Ugh, the whole world just hates me." Yangyang sighed as he picked the bun up, standing up to throw it away.

"The world doesn't hate you." Hendery said, trying to reassure his roommate. "It just doesn't really like you right now."

"You're not helping." Yangyang said, glaring at the male. Hendery shrugged, a smile forming on his face.

"Hey, aren't you meeting with Xia today? That's a good thing, right?" Hendery said as Yangyang sat back down, tapping on another bun, making sure it wasn't burning hot before picking it up.

"I guess." Yangyang said before realizing something. "Wait, how did you know?"

"You left your phone charging out here last night and it kept buzzing so I came out to silence it. Turns out you were getting a lot of messages from the girl." Hendery told him, a smirk on his face. "So is she your girlfrinend or what?"

Yangyang rolled his eyes. "Just because I'm talking to a girl doesn't mean that she's my girlfriend, give me a break."

"Yeah, but you never talk to girls. Not unless they own the latest car model and are about to start racing." Hendery pointed out. "What makes Xia different?"

"I don't know." Yangyang said, taking a bite out of the bun. "She's just easy to talk to I guess. Plus she's talented and has a good taste in music."

Hendery didn't seem convinced though. "You know we go to an arts college, right? Everyone here is talented."

"Whatever." Yangyang said, finishing taking another bite before pulling his phone out. He smiled at he saw the text notification, another message from Xia confirming their meeting.

"You're whipped." Hendery said, laughing to himself as he stood up.

"I am not!" Yangyang called out but by the time his attention shifted away from his phone, Hendery was already in his room, grabbing his bag and jacket for school.


Xia had decided to bus today, Kun going to school earlier than usual to work on his project. After a long night of working on her newest track to show Yangyang, there was no way she could wake up early enough.

If I didn't have to practice piano in the middle of it, I probably would have finished sooner.

Xia sighed, adjusting her bag as she cut through the parking lot, a shortcut to get to school faster. That's when she caught sight of the fancy blue car, Ten's car. Except that instead of being shiny like when she first saw it, there was a huge scratch running along the side of it.

Xia was surprised, knowing that Ten was a pretty good driver. How did that happen?

Her phone buzzed, signalling that she had recieved a message from Yangyang, telling her that she would be at school soon.

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