Chapter 11

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This is the ring ^^^

"I prepared a speech for this moment but seeing you right now, I have no words to say how much I love you

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"I prepared a speech for this moment but seeing you right now, I have no words to say how much I love you. I love your weirdness, I love how intelligent you are though you make some very stupid decisions, I love the scars you have which you think you should hide, I love how you stand up for yourself, l love your sweet voice, I love your obsession with chocolate, I love that you always fight for us, I love your ocean blue eyes in which I get lost everyday. I'm lost in your love and I want to be lost everyday for the rest of my life. I know we're still 18 but I love you. Will you marry me ?"

He is on his knee with a black velvet box in his hands. The box has the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. It's ocean blue.

I know why he chose this ring. He loves my eyes. He told me that when we first met as children, he envied my eyes.

But I can't do this to him. We both know I have to go.

I want to cry but I won't. I'm strong enough.


He knows. His eyes beg me to say yes but he knows I won't. I can't marry him just to leave him.

"I know why you're saying this but I don't mind. Please. I want to love you till you go. I swear I won't stop you but please, let me love you." His voice cracks, there are tears in his black eyes.

Should I say yes ?

Will I ever forgive myself if I say yes ? But what if I stay ?

Fuck it.

"Yes, I-I'll marry you" I can't help but smile. A huge smile.

I lean in to kiss him and he slips the ring on my ring finger.

I'm pulled into a chest and laughs and cheers erupt from everywhere.

Well, what did I expect ? Their student council president just got engaged.

"I'll love you forever even if you choose to go." He whispers.

He's hugging me with tears rolling down his face. I can't tell if it's because of happiness of getting engaged or sadness of me leaving.

I wipe his tears off and tell him I love him too.

What happens next is..

I can't find words. Everyone has a huge smile on their faces probably because this is their graduation day.

Dad comes up, kisses my forehead and says, "He would be proud of you"

I smile at him.

"NO NO NO NO..."

Well, what can I say, that happens when you have two best friends.

"Maya Jane Soni ! Athena Grace Sinclair ! Stop it both of you" I glare at both of them who have their heads tilted to the right and eyes down.

It's actually a adorable sight but they were arguing so I won't admit it.

"She said the full name." Athena whispers to Maya thinking I can't hear her.

"She did, didn't she ?" Maya whispers back. Don't they realise I'm standing right here ?

They both look up with bright smiles and hug me.

"We love you"
"I love you too"

"Shut up both of you. Don't you see she's sleeping ? Do you want to wake her up ?" Says an unknown voice.

"You don't know how serious this is !". I know this voice, it's Spencer but why is he saying that ? What's happening ?

"I don't know what she wants and why she is back ? That too now after all that's happened" Maya says in a very concerned voice.

"Don't you get it ? We need to find her." Spencer says.

"You think I didn't try ? She won't be found if she doesn't want to be." Maya tells him.

And I agree.

"Fine. Do as you wish. But I don't think we should tell her now" Spencer say. What are they not telling me ?

"What are you not telling me ?" I say, opening my eyes.

I'm in a room with more colour than I've seen in last two years. It reminds me of home. Home. I don't even know where that is anymore.

"What happened ?" I ask, no more like demand.

"Are you hungry ?" Says the same voice I didn't recognise. Adrian.

I can't help but stare at his eyes. Those dark brown eyes look like a forest. But there's something in those that no other in this room has. Sparkle.

It's like a forest fire in his eyes.

"What are you not telling me ?" I ask again, knowing them all too well.

They shared a look knowing I won't be distracted. I look at Maya, pleading her to tell me.

She opens her mouth to explain but before she could get a word out, Spencer spoke handing me his phone.


There's a picture of burning roses. Not just roses. Black roses.

"These were taped outside while a shooter tried to kill you. You were saved because Adrian saw it coming and pushed you out of the way."

"It's a warning" Maya speaks.

It certainly is.

How was the chapter ?

Who do you think she is ? Let me know in the comments

What would feel like if changed Adrian's name to Felix or Pheonix ? I feel like Adrian does not suit the character.

If you have any suggestions then let me know

Vote. Comment. Follow.

Love you all 🥰
- Hope

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