chapter 7

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I wake up early today

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I wake up early today. Yes, early. I can do that when I want, which is mostly never but today I am on a mission.

'Spencer's coming back party mission'. That idiot didn't tell me his party was supposed to be at my place.

So, now I have to plan it. I swear if this repeats I'll have to have a 'talk' with him.

Anyways, I got ready and made all the arrangements for today. Its not the type of college parties, it's more of a get-together but let him do what he wants.

I am excited to our friends and his teammates again. He's been talking about a certain someone who is finally coming today. I am very excited to her.

He's been in love with her since high school apparently, but never had the guts to tell her.

Well, let's go to work.

I am on way to Echo's office. I love his office because he's made so comfortable and cosy-like.

Since Lisa is on Maternity leave, Echo said he'd help her with my schedule.

Knock. Knock.

I hear a faint come in and go in. The sight I see is quite.. I don't know what you call it.

I didn't know Kara had a daughter. How does the media not know ? They love her. I mean, she is, one the most rich woman in the world.

"Cookie, I'm so sorry. I'll make sure of it next time, okay ? Please stop crying ?"

There stands a small girl, crying and frowning. Seems like she's throwing a tantrum. She's wearing a floral top and a ripped jeans with floral shoes. She looks so cute.

"Noooo ! You said you'll be there. You're going back, aren't you ? You don't love me", the cutie says. She so cute and beautiful but she's very different from Kara, maybe she got it from her father.

"Baby, look at me. I am not leaving. I am just going for an hour and Echo will be here. It's very urgent cookie. Please ?"

The pleading look in her eyes tell me that she loves her. This is the most emotional I've seen Kara. Her face which is always blank, could now melt a heart.

"Okay. But we'll spend the rest of the day together. Pinky Promise ?" The little cutie says and holds out her Pinky.

"Pinky Promise." Kara replies and wraps her Pinky around the cutie's.

She stands to leave and looks up, noticing me. I realise I've been standing there like a statue with a amazed look on my face.

I quickly compose myself and look at the little girl.

"Hey! I'm Adrian." I hold out a hand for her and she shakes it saying,

"I'm Alaska but you can call me lexi because everyone calls me lexi. But Ro here calls me cookie, I don't know why. Wait. Why am I called cookie. That's a food and I'm not a food. Does that mean I'm... Baked ? Oh my god ! I am not like.."

She starts rambling.

"Ookay. That's enough, cookie. Why don't you start your homework since you're not going school today ?"


I am internally squealing.

She leaves the room to, I assume, get her bag.

"Hello Adrian. "

Welcome back, Kara. I don't like her poker face. She was looking like a human with all those emotions but now it's all gone.

"Hello Ms. White"

She looks beautiful today. She's wearing an all white outfit which makes her black eyes gleam. She looks mesmerizing but I am not supposed to think that. Focus, Adrain. Focus.

And yes, she still hasn't asked me to call her Kara. That's a bit odd but I'll let it slide.

"Its good I met you here. I have a task for you. Ofcourse, only if you want it. It's more of a personal thing."

"Sure. No problem. Go ahead, what is it ?"

"I am holding a charity function and I need a little help since a lot of work has come up. If you want to, you can help me ? But I should warn you, its not related to this company, as I said its my personal thing. So ?"

Echo looks a little shocked at her request. I am also pretty shocked. She never talks like this and requesting ? She could've ordered to do it and I would have no choice but follow. But she is giving me a choice. That's pretty odd.

"Sure. Its for charity. What's the event ?" I reply

"You can get all the details from Echo and if you have any problem then tell me. Also, consult me before making ANY permanent decisions. It's very important to me."


I try to look at her in the eyes but all I see is... fake. It seems like her eyes are hiding so many secrets, she hides from the world.

I feel like she is a puzzle and let me tell you, I love solving puzzles.


How was the chapter ?

I know these chapters are pretty small but I am trying to introduce these characters to you because I have this whole story written in my head.

I am trying my best to make you understand their feelings and... things

Okay. So, question of the chapter :

Who's your favourite singer ???

Mine's Taylor Swift and 1D if we count bands as well.

Mine's Taylor Swift and 1D if we count bands as well

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Gotta love these idiots 😍😍

See you soon ! Looooooots of love 💛💛💛💛💛

- Hope

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