chapter 4

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(a/n : above is the outfit Tom / Adrian is wearing. Nothing to do with Dan Stevens )

 Nothing to do with Dan Stevens )

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I was getting impatient. It's been half an hour since I arrived and that stupid PA says that she'll be here in a few every time I ask him when she is coming.

I saw him coming towards me and I try to refrain myself from asking him again.

"She has to look into some very important staff matter. It'll take a while. Have you had breakfast ? You can accompany me to the cafeteria."

I try to fake a smile and say, "Well, hope they serve donuts!" I'm actually glad he offered me breakfast because I accidentally fell asleep in my office yesterday.

The cleaners woke me up at 5 and I had to run home. I got ready quickly but didn't have time to have breakfast. So, long story short, I'M STARVING !

"What's your name again ?". I don't think he introduced himself, he simply said he was Ms. White' PA.

"Sorry, where are my manners ? Wait. Who am I kidding I have to manners. Never had never will ! But let me introduce myself, I am Echo Griffin. Kara's PA/friend/adviser/nutritionist.. Do you want me go on ?"

Okay, what's up with that ?

"Let's go then"


".... and my idiotic ex thought It would be nice to hit on someone to make me jealous. I mean, doesn't he know me enough to see that I would never get jealous ? Anyways, We are here. Just knock, okay ?"

After spending half an hour with Echo, I came know that he was gay and can talk non-stop. But the distraction was welcome because I was new here and he seemed like a decent guy.

Right now I'm standing in front of Ms. White' office. I knock and immediately hear a distant 'come in'.

Woah. The office is really big but that's not why I'm awestruck it's because of the lady that's sitting in it.

She looks divine. There's a powerful aura around here, I can feel it. Definitely why the employees here seem to afraid of her.

She is wearing a pink suit which makes her look like an angel. She glances at me and gets up from her seat and extend her hand while introducing herself,

"Mr. Williams it's nice to meet you. I'm Kara white and can address me as Ms. White just like everyone ."

That was a bit odd. I was thinking we could be friends but she doesn't even want me to call her by her name.

And, she sounds really cold. Her eyes hold no expression. Almost like they are fake but who am I kidding. Her brown eyes glared at me ? Why was she glaring at me ?

Suddenly I realise and my eyes widen, her hand was still out in a formal manner but I forgot because I was deep in thought.

"Sorry. Uhh.. I.. I am Adrian. Adrian Williams. And call me whatever you want I don't mind."

When did I start stuttering ? I am mad at myself. What will she think of me now, that I am some rich bastard. I don't want to make a bad first impression.

She smirked.

"Please have a seat. Dad told me that you are going to accompany me a few months as an intern. Am I right ?"

Okay, when she put it like that, an intern sounds not so mature. But whatever it is what it is.

"If you put it like that then yes. I can be an intern but you don't have interns in here so I didn't think about it."

"Well, since you'll be here for a little while let's get a desk. Echo pouvez-vouz aménager un Espace pour lui à cet étage ? Et assurez-vous qu'il est près de mon bureau, d'accord ?"

(tr : can you arrange a space for him on this floor ? And make sure it's near my office, okay ?)

Okay what was that ? Wasn't it french ? Oh man ! I was never passionate about learning new languages.

"Sûr. Je le garderai très près si tu vois ce que je veux dire !" Her PA replied with a... Wink ? He winked at her ? Am I missing something ?

(tr : Sure. I'll keep him very near if you know what I mean !)

"Tais-toi" ( tr : shut up )

And she walked away without saying anything so I guess Echo is going to tell me whatever they just had a conversation about.

"Let's go"

Echo had a mischievous grin on his face which means I was certainly missing something but I follow him anyways.

Heyyyyyyyy.. it's me.... again.  And I think I won't be writting much since my exams are coming and I wrote these chapters a long ago but was a little unsure if I wanted to publish them. But I'll make sure to atleast write one more chapter this month.

Also, I never took an extra language but my BFF is french so I have been learning it a little with her help. But don't worry this is all google translate. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of you all.

I will be sharing the outfit of our characters in the media above because I suck at dress description

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I will be sharing the outfit of our characters in the media above because I suck at dress description. So, just view it and you'll know what our characters are wearing. I don't think my fashion sense is terrible but it's not so nice either. So , bear with me.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote for it.

- Hope

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