chapter 18

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"Nothing wakes you up like waking up alone"

It had been a long day, my manager had told me that I had been offered to compose a title song for a Netflix series and I didn't see any problem so I told him to set up a meeting

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It had been a long day, my manager had told me that I had been offered to compose a title song for a Netflix series and I didn't see any problem so I told him to set up a meeting.

I knew I should've called Aaron and told him about it before meeting them but I wanted it to be a surprise. What I didn't expect was the meeting to be as long as it was.

We had agreed to spend saturday night together seeing how we spent every weekend with our weeding planner, Julie.

I enter the code which was the date of the day he proposed and also his graduation day.

I hoped he wouldn't be too mad because I was an hour late and my phone had long ago died and I didn't even realise I was late until I stepped in my car.

I notice his silver Porsche 911 in the garage as I parked my BMW next to it. I ran inside as fast as I can forgetting to shut the garage door.

The house was dead silent, the only sound coming from the waterfall in the backyard. I peeked in the kitchen but it was empty.

Where was he ?

I turned around and saw a slumped figure on the dinner table which was laid with food which obviously cold by now. I watched him as he slept peacefully.

He had been over working himself between the internship and the college work. I tried so hard to convince to let me help him with the college work I didn't study law for sure but I can sure help him with correcting essays or something but he's too stubborn for that to happen.

Even as stubborn and controlling he can be, he's mine and I wouldn't change it for the world.

I couldn't help but admire his face, his eyelashes not too short, not too long. His mouth in a straight line before it turned to frown and his eyebrows creased.

His eyes flew open and he started panting like he had run twenty miles. A relieved sigh escapes him as his eyes fall on me.

"You're here", he said standing up and cupping my face in his hands.

"I'm here I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here", I tell him.

"I had a nightmare that you were.. you were.. gone and I just couldn't.. Don't leave me okay ? Just stay with me.", He pleaded.

He had been having these nightmares where he sees I'm dead on the operation table and he feels helpless about it.

"I'm not dying, okay ? Not when I have someone like you waiting for me. It'll be alright you don't have to worry about me I'm taking care of myself", I assure him.

"I know but I can't help it. It'll alright once we're done with the operation."

I can't change his mind and I low-key understand. I would be anxious too if I was in his place but I know I'll fight for my life, for him and for us.

"So Maya told me the other day that they are thinking of going public", I try to change the topic.

"Spencer has been nervous all week, he's atleast called me thrice today already. He's popping the question, you know ?", He tell me obviously thankful for the change of subject.

"He is ? I'm offended. He didn't tell me some best friend he is", I say, pouting.

"That's because I'm the best friend not you", he said with a smirk on his face, knowing he won.

"Whatever. Should I heat this up ?", I said pointing to the food which was now cold.

"I love you from the bottom of my heart but I don't trust you in my kitchen so stay out of it, woman"

His face looks so horrified. I don't know why he's like that.

Not like you tried to make pasta without water in it which almost burnt down the house, says my inner voice.

You're all so mean to me. It was only once I swe-

My eyes flew open. The memories still fresh in my mind.

It takes me a while to realize I'm in a hospital. I feel warmth flood through my arm even though my entire body is freezing.

My hand is held between a pair of hands belonging to Adrian.

He's sleeping with his head on our hands. His nose scrunched in an adorable manner and his lips pulled in a line.

Summarily, he looks like an adorable baby.

Snap out of it, Kara.

I had noticed that he liked painting his nails but today they're bare. That's a first. He's been acting a little different lately.

Usually his smile would lit up the entire room. I swear all my employees are in love with him.

I don't know if has noticed or not but he has everyone amazed with his kind and down to earth personality. Not only women but men as well stare at him with heart eyes.

He doesn't seem like the one who's too cocky for his own good. He's confident and I like that.

He's wearing the earing he usually wears. I never thought any man could look this gorgeous wearing an earing but I'm obviously proved wrong.

Okay that's enough. Focus.

"Are you alright ?", He asked. When did he wake up ? Why didn't I notice ? Please tell me he didn't see me staring at him.

"Why did you take off your nailpolish ?"

He seemed surprised probably didn't expect me to notice or comment on it. Same here buddy. What's wrong with me ?

"Oh. I took it off because my father doesn't like a man wearing nailpolish it's not manly, you know ?" That's absurd.

"Do you like wearing it ?", I ask.

"Yes.." he answers hesitantly. Did he expect me to tell him it's not right to like it ?

"Then it doesn't matter what your father thinks. If you like it, then wear it."

He gives me a small smile.

"..and it looks pretty on you", I mumbled it, surprising myself.

"Then I'll wear it more", he says, smiling at me softly.

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