Chapter 1

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I wake up with a pounding on my bedroom door

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I wake up with a pounding on my bedroom door. I try to find my phone where I left it last night and check the time.

9 am. Shit.

Father is going to have one more reason to tell me how irresponsible I am.

The knocking-more like pounding-on my door doesn't stop making my head hurt.

"Come in !"

Maria comes in holding a tray.

"Your mother asked me to wake you up and see that you take your breakfast before going to work. She also asked you to get ready quickly because your father is expecting you at his office."

I guess she has come to know I'm not a morning person.

I smile at Maria grateful she woke me up or else god knows how long I'd be sleeping.

I quickly scramble off the bed, bumping into the bed frame.

I recall picking out an outfit yesterday which I'm really grateful for right now.

I look at the clothes I picked out, a white silk tie, white shirt, blue jacket with white strips and white dress pants.


By 10 I am walking down the entrance of Williams & co. After a few greetings and some welcoming smiles which I return gratefully, I step into the elevator and push the button for the top floor.

I check my emails and see that Lisa has sent my schedule for today.

Lisa is my assistant but she is on  maternity leave. I am so happy for her. She deserves it all, after all, I wouldn't be here without the moral support she has provided me. She is like an older sister to me.

I have to accompany my father to a few meetings so that I can 'learn the art from him'. His words not mine.

My father is sitting in the giant chair behind the desk and is typing something on his laptop. He smiles at me and gestures me to come in as he hears me knocking.

"Hello Adrian. Come in. Have a seat." I do as he says. He closes his laptop and put out some papers from... Nowhere ?

"I have been recording your progress and I don't see much of it. I see that both of our minds work very differently as you as the young one pursue some things we might not. I am not sure if it's good or not. So I have been thinking about this. And I have come to a conclusion that this is not working. I am not saying it's you. I just saying that you need help which I am not able to give properly. So I asked my friend Leo, who gave his company to his goddaughter, to help you. He came up with a proposal that you can work with Kara for a few months and learn everything. You must have heard of Nelson & co. It's a huge company and their profits are so much better than us. You can start from tommorow. So, what do you say ?"

Wow. Ofcourse my father would come up with this. He hates to work with me so now he'll send me away. But let's keep that aside.

Nelson & co. is a big deal. I've heard a lot about them. Kara White bought her own company and now is the Sole owner of that company. I've also heard that she is drop-dead-gorgeous. But she is very rude and you don't want to cross her. Ever. She knows how to keep people on edge.

Whatever. If I can handle my father than she should not be much problem. And a chance to work with that company is something I don't want to loose. Maybe if we become friends then we can have a joint project or something. That would be great for us.

"I agree, Father. This is not working and I say yes to the proposal. I think I would be great." His eyes lit up at my words.

"Okay then. Finish your work here and pack up. You can go whenever you're finished."

I get up and walk towards my office. The first thing I see is the pile of papers on my desk. I guess I have to complete that today.

It's gonna be a long day.

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Love ya 😘

- Hope

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