Chapter 13

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"Isn't it lovely, All alone
Heart made of glass, My mind of stone"

"Isn't it lovely, All aloneHeart made of glass, My mind of stone"

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I can't believe this. Everything was going fine. Why now ?

I walk in the room without knocking. She sits on the bed staring into nowhere. Her eyes dark not showing anything going on in her mind. 

I can't help but see how she didn't cry but I know it's coming so without an second thoughts I hug her. She relaxes under my touch and simply lets me hold her.

"Let me take off your contacts it might be getting uncomfortable.", I say softly. I am the only person she has shown her eyes to in these years. 

They actually change color. Like when she is happy they are bright ocean blue, when she is deep in thought they are dull, almost grey but they turn navy blue when she is mad.

I help her take the black lens off and she shuts her eyes immediately not letting the tears fall. We just sit there for a while until her body couldn't keep it in and starts shaking.

She refuses to let her tears fall. We have been over this thousands of times. She says her empty house reminds her how empty she herself is so she stays over at mine or John's most of the time.

I take her phone from the bedside table and scroll through the apps. Opening the recorder, I let the music soothe her.

It's not the music that helps her, it's his voice. She told me that he would sing her to sleep everyday. One day when he was leaving for a business trip she recorded it. Now, It's the only way to hear his voice.

I remember tears streaming down your face when I said "I'll never let you go" when all those shadows almost killed your light

She closes her eyes and tries to forget everything like everyday. But today was different, she cried instead. A tear fell down her face and she opens her eyes.

"I'm fine." She whispers. It looks more like she is trying to convince herself than me. 

I remember you said "don't leave me alone" but all that's dead and gone and past tonight.

"It's alright. It's just me..", I whisper sweet nothings in her ear but she shakes her head and sobs even more. her body shaking. She is mumbling something but I can't make out what.

I try to distract her by asking if she is hungry but she doesn't reply. She won't reply, she is gone my conscious tells me.

Just close your eyes the sun is going down

She hasn't been eating well, She tries convince me otherwise but I can see it. She has been having this moments where her skin turns white and she looks like she's about to pass out.

You'll be alright no one can hurt you now

She should eat well considering her health conditions but she doesn't. Me and John have tried countless times but to no use. She just won't eat.

Come morning light you and I'll be safe and sound

Her body is overworked even though she wold never admit it and she is verge of becoming a insomniac. She thinks I don't notice that she hasn't been to her regular health checkups, I do but I'm scared. 

I'm scared that if I push her more, she'll run from me just like she's done with everyone else. No, she doesn't need to be fixed. She needs someone to hold her hand and support her.

Don't you dare look out your window darling everything's on fire

She is the most strongest person I've seen. She won't let anyone know what happens behind the closed doors and outside she shows no emotions.

The war outside our door keeps raging on

People who don't know her would think she is cold but what they don't know is that she is drowning in her mistakes.

Hold on, to this lullaby even when the music's gone

I don't know how long we sit there deep in our thoughts, his voice filling the room. I thought I knew what heartbreak was but her's is way worse.


Loving someone knowing that they loved you back but will never ever be able to see them, touch them, feel them again.

She is drowning and I let her because I don't know how to help her anymore. She is losing herself more every second and I can't do anything other than sit back and watch her.

I love her like a little sister and it's heartbreaking to see her suffocating herself with her thoughts. I know what she is thinking. I know what she wants but I can't give her that.

"I can't do it anymore Echo. I can't. I've tried to hold on for your and dad's sake but please I'm begging you, Let me go. I can't- No, Won't live my life like this. There is no point anymore."

Her voice pleading me but I won't. She deserves better than this.

"You can do it, Kara. Just a little longer, please.", I intertwine her hand in mine. It's cold so I start to rub it giving her warmth.

"I swear I won't wake up one day", Her voice has hatred I've only ever seen on her. I know it wasn't for me. She doesn't hate me.

"Come on, Let's get you in bed. Do you want to change out of this tee ?", She shakes head. I tuck her in and stand up to stop the song from repeating once again but am stopped by her hand.

So, I leave the song on repeat and walk to the other side of the bed to cuddle like we always do.

"No. Leave. Leave me alone today."her voice going back to her usual monotone but eyes still dark blue.

I know her enough not to question it. So I do. I leave her to deal with the monsters in her head, all alone.

This song suits the chapter so much so I thought I should put it here.

Am I the only one who cried ? Probably, Because I'm a crybaby when it comes to books.

Well, Vote. Comment and Follow.

- Hope.

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