chapter 9

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"You ready ?"

I look around for the voice and see Spence sitting on the couch.

"Yeah. Did you tell Echo what to do ?"

"Yeah. You look stunning." Spencer compliments, which is rare.

"You don't look too bad yourself"

He looks very handsome in his black leather jacket and jeans.

We decided to go together and both wore black to match, also because it's our favourite colour.

We make our way to my parking. He stayed over today since we had some arrangements to make. 

He told me he made a friend, who is now his best friend and is also holding the meet (I refuse to call it a party because it's not) at his house.

Well, Atleast someone got a replacement for him. No, Don't go there. Think about something else. Flowers. Roses. Red. Aaron. Shit.

"Earth to Jasmine ! Come on ! I'm sure you don't wanna be late" Spencer's voice bring me out of my thoughts and I look up to see he's holding the door for me.

"Thanks" I force a little smile and climb in.

I look out of the window on the journey to avoid eye contact with him. But that left me with my thoughts.

My thoughts all revolve around him

The city lights seem to be running from us as we sped down Spence's Friend's house.

I remember the day he left me. 

I wake up to the alarm blaring. I force myself to get up since there's so much to do. 

I look down at my hand and play with my engagement ring. It's so beautiful. I love him. I could've never asked for a better future. Wait. Better ? I had no future.

I owe my life to him. I love him. 

I look at the empty spot on the bed beside me, meaning he already left for his morning jog.

I am wearing his shirt and under that I'm naked but who cares.

I brush my teeth and walk to the kitchen. I need food. I am sooo hungry. 

I blast taylor swift through the speakers and resume my activities. I make his smoothie, my coffee, toast and waffles since I don't want to burn the pancakes.

'...I could've spent forever with your hands in my pocket. Picture of your face in an invisivible locket' I sing along.

I feel an arm around my waist and I jump knowing its Aaron. "Morning beautiful"

I mutter a little good morning still affected my our close proximity.

"Is that waffles I smell ?"

"Mhm" I nod, holding him and letting the music penetrate me.

"Dance with me ?" I ask, knowing he'd never refuse.

"Anything for you"

'I,I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us...'

I look into his eyes. Those brown eyes which wants me to submit to him, makes me want to scream from a rooftop and tell the world, he's mine. 

'So, baby, can we dance we dance Oh, through an avalanche and say, say that we got it...'

He makes me want to leave everything else and run to him. In this moment I know I will love him forever. 

'I'm a mess but I'm the mess that you wanted...'  

I can't imagine what it would feel like to go through all that he did. He's so strong. I love him. Even if he looses everything, he'll always have me. He saved me. I'm alive and happy, it's all him.

"I love you" I tell him looking at those same eyes that hold me when I was lost, when I lost faith. Here's home. He's my home. I-

"Lavender ! Wake up ! Don't tell me you're asle- Are you ok ? Why are you crying ?"A concerning look takes over his face.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I didn't realized I had started crying. Again. 

He gives me a questioning look but drops it nonetheless. I can't deal with it right now.

"Let's go. We're here."

He opens the door for me and hold out his hand for me. 

I try so hard to forget about the similar situation 4 years ago, except this is Spencer, not him. It'll never be be him again.

I take a deep breathe and say "Let's do this". A smirk takes over my face and for a moment I feel like I'm back when we were partners in crime. We were quite a pair. 

He looks at me as if he's thinking the same thing which I'm sure he is.


Hello everyone !!

I wanted to give you a picture of how Aaron is. I picture him as... I'll leave you to that. 😁😁

Who's excited for the party ? 'Cause I sure am !

So how was the chapter ? Was it up to your expectations ? Please comment.

Moving on.. I took down the playlist thing-chapter because I lost count of the songs in it. But you can view it on spotify on my account, under the title 'We belong together'.

You know what to do..

Have a nice day. Lots of loooove!!!🥰😘

- Hope.

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